Opposition Leader Philip Brave Davis Q.C. on the passing of Dr. John Lunn…

Davis Q.C.

By Philip Brave Davis Q.C.

Today, I join clinicians, health care professionals and the medical community in mourning the passing of a giant in the health care profession and industry, a colleague, and a physician’s physician in the name of Dr. John Lunn.

With the blessing of long life, Dr. Lunn, an Internist and Oncologist, spent most of his adult life caring for others as he consistently delivered expert health care to literally thousands of Bahamians in both the private and public sectors. In the process, he made an invaluable contribution to the development of the country’s healthcare sector and infrastructure.

Dr. Lunn and I enjoyed a very cordial lawyer – client relationship and over the years we became quite close. I have fond memories of our time spent together working on various projects.

Dr. Lunn was a good man; he ran a good race and has transitioned to receive his just and eternal reward. We who remain have a moral obligation to continue his legacy of service and excellence.

We thank him for his contributions to the national development of this country he truly loved.

On behalf of the Progressive Liberal Party, I express heartfelt condolences to his wife Sonja and children Adrian, Mark and Toby.

May he rest in peace.