Opposition MP contemplating resigning from frontline politics as serious allegations are in the hands of the police

House of Assembly in downtown Nassau.

NASSAU| A sitting politician deep inside the Free National Movement is now contemplating resigning from his seat in the House of Assembly. 

The MP, who started out mopping floors and putting up signs in a local eatery, climbed his way hard up the ladder of success and is now concerned it is all about to come crashing down in front of his second wife. 

The MP served in the former Minnis government, which crashed and burned at the polls on September 16th, 2021 following a litany of scandals, corruption, and resignations from the Cabinet of the Bahamas. 

Police questioned a secretary connected to the MP in his last role in Government and she began singing like a Christmas canary, saying all manner of things to the MP while pointing police to a former employee of BIS and OPM. 

With two members of the former Minnis Government facing serious criminal charges, the sitting MP does not believe he has the stomach or the mental capacity to be dragged before the courts.

Phone records, though, and testimony from a former contractor will be damaging if the case goes to trial. It is now pending legal advice.

Police questioned the MP on an array of concerns for hours. The MP believes friends high up in the PLP will spare him the humiliation of a court case. But the chances of that happening are slim, especially after one of his CHIEF ADVISORS is no longer accessible to mix and mingle in lowly political matters (you whistle and we ga point). The MP is in serious trouble!

The sitting MP and another officer deep within the rank and file of the FNM were warned by Leader Michael Pintard that the evidence was mounting and would be damaging to the party in the days and months to come. Look how poorly Minnis left the FNM, eh?!

Meanwhile, out of the blue, seeing the troubles unfolding, a “political snake” has crawled on its belly inside the FNM. The “political snake” appeared almost daily in news reports to be a new voice to defend the party. 

The “political snake” once left the FNM in disgrace, calling the organization “corrupt to the core” on National TV and vowed never to return. But that was before his party went up in flames like the Straw Market twenty years ago. 

The “political snake” wants to be leader of the FNM after deceiving scores of FNMs to leave the organization to turn green. Well, what is this?

Bahamas Press is warning FNMs (as we warned ArawakX investors) to be careful of the “political snake” that intends to choke the life out of the defeated opposition party. The “political snake” couldn’t work with PAPA, attempted to trip down Loretta, could not work with his cousin Minnis, and now has come crawling on his belly, eating dust, ready to bite Pintard!

And if yinner FNMs needs any help in identifying the truth about the “political snake”, just ask his ex-wife what kind of viper he is. She had to run for her life from the couple’s marital home on the hill. 

We ga report and let yinner decide!