Opposition speaks on Jerusalem issue


File Photo – GOLD RUSH! Thousands of PLP supporters marching on Labour Day 2016.

From Office of The Opposition Spokesman On Foreign Affairs
22 December 2017
On The United Nations Vote On Jerusalem

The Government speaks for the country on foreign policy matters so there must be something within their peculiar knowledge that led them to vote as they did.

The PLP tries to avoid division beyond our borders in foreign policy.

Some observers argue that is difficult, however, philosophically to reconcile the principle of the two state solution and the larger UN Peace Process for the Middle East which we say we support and our actual vote.

Whatever the position is, however, the PLP believes that foreign policy requires the public to be properly briefed on our positions once taken.

In this case, the Government ought to have provided a written statement called “an explanation of vote” to say why we took the course we did.
