Ingraham’s Resignation Speech & Swan song
Dear Editor,

You all really need to just let Hubert A. Ingraham ride off into the sunset! For several weeks now, ad nauseum, the media has been reporting on and covering the purported ‘resignation’ letter of intent submitted to the Speaker of the House of Assembly or is it the House of ‘Asses’, with all due respect and Christian charity, which he says will take effect at the end of August, 2012. He has yet to effectively resign and is playing, I submit, a loaded dice game with the people of The Bahamas.
With all of the current and crucial issues facing the nation, we are wasting valuable air and print time catering to the delusions and holograms of one man?
Ingraham acted well on the stage called The Bahamas while he was privileged to do so. His role is now over and it is time to pull down the final curtain on his now boorish play acting.
Yes, he will be well remembered for the good that he did on our behalf but he will also never be forgotten for the destruction which his one man band antics wrought in the nation and in the individual lives of tens of thousands of Bahamians.
He, however, did well for he and his family with the blessings of our people. He was once a semi-illiterate bare foot boy from Abaco. Decades later he is, by his own admission via the Parliamentary Declaration, a fairly wealthy man with several homes; automobiles and a fat pension for the rest of his natural life. He owes us big time but is so ungrateful that he must continue to have his way or we could all hit the highway!
I read some recent remarks attributed to the defunct former PLP representative for Mount Moriah saying that the Honorable Speaker of the House of Assembly was ‘wrong’ in not ‘allowing’ Ingraham to make his farewell swan song and dance.
Keod is a jovial and some times comical character so one must take whatever he opines on with a large grain of salt. It is no wonder that he was badly mauled in the 2007 general elections and must still be nursing his political wounds and apparent ‘cut off’ by the PLP and it’s leadership cadre. Not a single board or other appointment.
He used to be, I believe, a special adviser to the now Prime Minister and is a well respected member of The Bahamas Bar Association. Yet, not a single position of influence now that ‘his’ beloved PLP is back in office?
Ingraham, to put it simply, should just exit the stage and go home. Your role in the unfolding play is passe.
Oh, by the way, when you make your final exit, don’t forget to bow and say thanks. If the FNM wishes to retain the North Abaco seat, it would be well advised to limit the role of Ingraham and, for god’s sake don’t let him speak too often on any political platform. We have had enough of the discorded music of the fabled ‘one man band’. To God then, in all things, be the glory.
Ortland H. Bodie, Jr.