A RESPONSE TO A DUMB, STUPID IMBECILE: Peter T. Carey has just posted this on Facebook: “Congratulations to Oswald Brown…Newest ambassador…” I don’t know why I’m allowing a dumb, stupid imbecile like Peter T. Carey to elicit a response from me, but for the benefit of those of you might believe that there is any truth to what he posted, let me state that I never sought nor do I wish to receive an ambassadorial appointment.

Peter T. Carey is a “senior member” of the FNM Hate Brigade who used the NO SPIN ZONE on Facebook during the recent general election campaign to spread all sorts of lies and libelous propaganda against me, including the outrageous claim that I killed one wife and tried to kill another, because of my hard-hitting commentaries criticizing Hubert “THE DICTATOR” Ingraham and exposing him as being a potential dictator on the level of Haiti’s late notorious despot, Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier.
Apparently, there are a lot of Bahamians who believe that my commentaries played a major role in the defeat of the FNM in the May 7 general election. Indeed, the assault on me in the NO SPIN ZONE by members of the FNM Hate Brigade continued even after they banned me from commenting in the group. The ban was imposed after I published, word for word, excerpts from a diabolical plot devised by Peter T. Carey and Doc Margo Seymour, a sister of Zhivargo Laing, and others to victimize supporters of the PLP who were working for the government if the FNM had won the election.
All along during their assault on me, Peter T. Carey repeatedly made the claim that I was campaigning to become ambassador to Washington. Let me go on record as saying that I have already received the only reward I wanted for whatever contribution I made towards the FNM’s defeat and that was to rid this country of a vindictive, spiteful, potential dictator like Hubert Ingraham, whose excrement people like Peter T. Carey and Doc Margo Seymour believe does not have an odour.
What’s more, why should I want to leave Freeport, which to me is the best place on Planet Earth to live? My number one priority now is to fully regain my health. I have been using a walker to get around for almost a year and I’m scheduled to have hip-replacement surgery on September 18 at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C., following which I fully plan to return to Freeport to continue doing all that I can to see to it that the FNM does not mount a credible challenge to again become the government of this country before the 2027 general election. Hopefully, my Lord and Saviour will grant me an extended sojourn on this earth to help me accomplish this goal.
I hope this response is sufficient to satisfy Peter T. Carey and the other members of the FNM Hate Brigade in the NO SPIN ZONE with regard to what my plans are for the immediate future.