Unions calling a massive demonstration TODAY!

Robert Farquharson rallying BTC workers outside BTC headquarters. (file photo) Nassau, Bahamas: Robert Farquharson, president of the Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) is...

Tommy Turnquest agrees with LAWBREAKERS!

"I have bought numbers before many years ago but I never won. So I said that I worked too hard for my money, to...

Reginald OUT as Commissioner of Police

Reginald Ferguson, Commissioner of Police . Nassau, Bahamas: After serving for less then one year as Commissioner of Police, Reginald Ferguson is reportly about to...

Ingraham had promised a new hospital 18 years ago! MORE LIES...

This photo shows the Princess Margaret Hospital in its current state. Prime Minister Ingraham promised as he rapped up the budget debate, that his...

Bahamas Press Headed to Beijing, China

With three more days to go to ONE WORLD, ONE DREAM, Bahamas Press will cover some sights, scenes and features from China on our...

Raw sewerage overflowing onto the road

What a sad situation being in a private gated community all to see and smell RAW SEWERAGE right out of the front entrance of...

Construction on the National Forest Reserve?

The talk of land give-a-ways in The Bahamas, it is more than that. Bahamians must ask the question how is it someone is...

Wutless Newspaper sitting on the shelves!!!

If there is one thing that is OBVIOUS in this country it is this, STACKS AND STACKS OF NEWSPAPERS are sitting on newsstands all...

Accident on Cowpen Road

An accident today this public holiday on Cowpen Road and Faith Ave intersection. The good news is that no one was hurt in this...