Police officers guarding Bowe's Number HOUSE?

With CRIME OUT-OF-Control in The Bahamas, Bahamas Press' 'deep-throat' on The Royal Bahamas Police Force tipped us to be at this location on Saturday...

The Tiny Shop 'The Back to School Centre' CLOSED?

If no one believes that things are bad in The Bahamas, one should just look at this latest story. The Tiny Shop is now...

"The Fat Lady" Gears Up to Sing as Hubert Kills Tommy's...

Click to watch this Movie Trailer: tommy.mov Many Bahamians watch in awe as PM Hubert Ingraham sets up his Minister of National Security for a...

'Madness' – St Lucia National Youth Choir…Enjoy!

Bahamas Press weekend entertainment takes you to the shores of St. Lucia where the St. Lucia's National Youth Choir is in concert, ENJOY!

Gas for less than TWO DOLLARS per gallon in Nassau!!!

- Another trucker seen racing over Gladstone Road in a hurried speed overtaking vehicles. Until we decide to SLOW DOWN, no one can be blamed...


New Attorney General Michael Barnett, A SEXUAL PREDATOR and look what he holding, THE BIBLE NO LESS! And he gat one SISSY in the...

Illegals rounded up, popular stalls on Fish Fry close

Twin Brothers was close today because half of its illegal staff members were rounded up by ministry of immigration officers in an early morning...

Breaking News >>> Harl Taylor Murder Update!!

Mother of slain fashion designer Harl Taylor, Beverley Taylor weap as she enters the crime scene area last November. Bahamas Press questions a police...