Bahamas Press graciously thanks United States Ambassador Mr. Ned Siegal and Mrs. Siegal for their splendid evening reception at their resident on the 4th...


Minister of Foreign Affairs and now added Minister of Immigration Brent Symonette speaking at a forum. (File Photo) Bahamas Press has been made aware of...

Tribune head office robbed and bomb scare at COB

Publisher Eileen Carron and Managing Editor John Marquis. Whilst editors were priding themselves suggesting that they are breaking news first, second or third in...

The GUARDIAN, watch this new masthead

The Guardian must not be serious with its new masthead. The People's Newspaper? Eileen Carron must be fuming at the mouth this morning. The...

Hubert Ingraham is nothing but a 'toothless LION'

Frank Smith in the House of Assembly promoted the drink called 'Mona Vie' saying the drink involved in a scandal with junior state...

Dion did not know who march on Labour Day

Dion Foulkes, Labour and Maritime Minister speaking on labour matters in the Senate, but cannot find the time to walk with workers in this...

Christie responds to Ingraham cabinet shuffle

  PLP leader on the campaign trail exciting the crowd with 'da Christie shuffle'. (file photo) FULL STATEMENT BY THE PLP LEADER  The Prime Minister’s reshuffle of...

Another daylight bank robbery with flying bullets

Injured police officer shot in the face. Another police was shot on the side of her face by armed robbers. The officer responded...

Another bomb scare at Cable Bahamas

Employees at Cable Bahamas ran out of their offices after a bomb scare at the head offices in the Marathon area. Police cordoned off...