Parliament to be dissolved THIS WEEK! Earliest TOMORROW!!!



Provost Marshall/Commissioner of Police

NASSAU| We wonder if yinner noticed the Provost Marshall/Commissioner of Police error read in his rushed Proclamation. On the steps of Parliament he said “Friday 22nd” Parliament will have a new session.

Well, the 22nd of September is a Wednesday NOT FRIDAY – but on his rushed proclamation it was written Friday. WHAT IS THIS?!

We wonder if this proclamation was even signed by the Governor General? Isn’t C. A Smith in quarantine? That means he cannot have any contact with the outside world! Shouldn’t a Deputy to the Governor act for C. A. Smith? WHO SIGNED THAT PROCLAMATION WITH THE WRONG DATE? A positive Covid19 patient must quarantine for 14 days. Is this another OBAN Signing by the Government!

Secondly, a prorogation proclamation is supposed to be read with a date for the next sitting of Parliament, not done in TWO proclamations! These guys can’t even prorogue Parliament correctly! And they’re running the country? My Goodness!

Anyway, we want yinner to note the upcoming events. Prime Minister The Most Honourable Hubert Alexander Minnis shall give the Bahamian People a new date for the Parliament to be Dissolved between tonight or Tomorrow August 19th; the anniversary of the FNM.

We also know All Assistant Commissioners of Police, who are stationed outside of the capital have been summoned to New Providence today for the Dissolution of Parliament Proclamation.

Bahamas Press is advising all media that they should be on standby for these developments. Something even bigger will be announced on Thursday!

We ga report and let yinner decide!