Paul Maynard: “I’m a poster boy for what rehabilitation can do…”

Good morning Sir,
I saw your article on me in the Bahamas Press and was very disappointed to say the least. I hold your news organization in high esteem but it appears to me that I have erred in my thoughts. You don’t know me but rather than contact me you wrote a story based on one side and you’ve been nothing but personal not knowing me nor the facts.
I was hired at BEC on November 11th, 1988 by GOD Almighty using Charles Carter, who was the Chairman at the time, not Leslie Miller. In March of 1989 after examinations that landed me to the top of my class of 30 persons, I was confirmed at BEC and sent to COB to do a year training program to which I got the 3rd highest grade in City & Guilds that year. I moved up the ranks of BEC, without favors from anybody, to my present position of Supervisor.
Now what you are attempting to do is shut me up from my freedom to speak, I’ll like to let you know that no amount of personal attacks from Leslie Miller is going to stop me, I’m a poster boy for what rehabilitation can do and you ought to admire me for how I was able to pull myself up instead of bringing me down but I want you and Leslie Miller to remember this, everyone has a past and when you think it’s buried deep there are many back hoes around to uncover them.
If it interest you to know my side of the story my contact info is below.
Editorial NOTE: Mr Paul Maynard should note that we at Bahamas Press have no hidden agenda but to share and expose the truth to the public! That is what we do here.
We are concerned, very concerned, with the happenings at the Bahamas Electricity Corporation, including the unsettling disrespect to the leadership in whose hands the care of BEC has been placed by HR MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT!
We have no ax to grind with the Union Boss at BEC, however, we do question the series of events that have transpired since his elevation to office, events that left Bahamians in darkness for prolonged periods after wires, having been severed, touched each other, generators caught fire and wires burning to the point that expensive equipment has been lost! OUR CONCERNS HERE ARE ABOUT THE BAHAMAS!!!!
We at Bahamas Press are familiar with this form of GANGSTERISM that has cultured a plethora of problems in the Bahamas today! We find it unacceptable that the pronouncements and behaviours of the Union Boss [Maynard] have cultivated a serious hostage situation in the Corporation against the people of the Bahamas. This we find is reprehensible!
And we put it to Mr. Maynard that, since he claims he is indeed reformed and is “a poster boy for what rehabilitation can do…”, perhaps he can share and come clean with the public and tell us why was his rehabilitation necessary? Perhaps he can tell us, or maybe – just maybe – we at BP can tell the public, all the details for him..[HERE AGAIN IS ANOTHER EXCLUSIVE MEMBERS OF THE WUTLESS MEDIA CANNOT PRESENT!].
And just for your information, Mr. Maynard, you would know we at Bahamas Press go into deep research on a daily basis! We know for certain your father, Dud Maynard, was indeed the Chairman of the PLP in 1988. Stay Tuned!