People Against VAT, Where Have Your Voices Gone?


Dear Sir,

I appreciate our Bahamian people for being very smart and I am happy to note that the Valued Added Tax nay-sayers have been silenced. The government is moving along with VAT and although slow at the onset, business are signing up to the VAT register.

To those who want to hold on to the gown tails of the nay-sayers, remember they are now silenced by defeat knowing that VAT’s implementation is inevitable and most importantly that it is a taxation system that is proven and can work here in The Bahamas.

In this country we try to politicize things too much instead of looking at what is best for our country.  This is not a PLP, FNM or DNA issue. This is a taxation system that is going to bring our country of the serious debt that is is currently in.

November 30th is the deadline for businesses that earn over $100,000 per annum to register as a VAT collectible business. I ask businesses to please take advantage of this registration period as if a business meeting the criteria fails to register after the said date, there will be a serious fine to pay.

As a senior citizen of this country, I am proud to see the progress we are making. We are in the big leagues now. No looking back.

Your’s Etc

Molly Farrington