Pepsi-Cola closing and 100 plus more out of work!



Pepsi-Cola Bahamas will close its doors and 100 persons will be on the unemployment line just in time for Christmas.

Bahamas Press has learned Pepsi-Cola had closed its door on Grand Bahama earlier this year. The closure comes amid mass firings across the public service, and 79 inspectors at the Lynden Pindling Airport will also be sent home. It comes at a time where hotels are closing, anchor projects have stalled and hotel workers are on two days. And if you think its bad, Bahamas Press knows of a story where a Taxi driver has sold his tour bus. Again to many out there, WHERE IS HUBERT? We learned he is on Habour Island celebrating Home-Coming weekend. THE TRUST AGENDA STRICKES AGAIN!

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  1. CLEVELAND – Saks Fifth Avenue is the latest big retail chain to announce serious losses, and on Tuesday the CEO said people are not in the mood to shop. Macy’s, Gap, Target, Nordstroms and Kohl’s all reported feeling the pinch, and one

  2. Pepsi I am glad they closed their doors we don’t need those kinds of people operating in our country. The way the treat their workers is a disgrace. You spent so many years working for these people and now it is time for them to give you your final pay cheque and they can’t even do it in a decent way. All of a sudden you are not fit to seat down in an office with them to discuss any discrepancies you might have about the final payment. You are given your farewell cheque through a fence. I could only imagine what the working condition was like when they were open for business. That’s a cold bunch and as soon as they get out of our country the better.

  3. pepsi bottles from puerto rico now in stores today. some old dirty local bottles still there as well. not sure if the new ones are any better or not, but least they look clean and are the same price.

  4. Vote PLP back in power?? Are you kidding? And what will they do thats different to the FNM?? At least the FNM shows up front they dont care and they make it known QUICK. The PLP drags its feet too long…..people dont have time to waste anymore while the PLP leader CONSULTS his committees for six months. We need new leadership in BOTH those parties.

    Pepsi here in The Bahamas lost its taste for a while now. I stopped drinking it. I am sorry, however for the workers losing their jobs.

  5. I am sorry 100 plus workers have lost their jobs, but to be honest with you Pepsi isn’t good for your health anyway. Also, for a long time they have not been keeping up with their original standard.

  6. Generalcrazy I agree with you as I also prefer Pepsi but i have stopped buying it for the past year or so as the quality and taste really was poor, especially the Diet Pepsi. Sometimes there would also be weeks where it wasn’t available. 3/4 full bottles and poor presentation also added to their problems.

  7. When I was a child I used to think our country was the prettiest island in the world and tourist had to come here to enjoy it. What a big misconception, it was not until I visited other Caribbean countries that I realizes that we were not the only country with nice beaches. Maybe many Bahamians still have this perception that tourist are obligated to visit our shores. That’s probably why when it is a holiday Bahamian families would go out to the beaches and throw their garbage everywhere and not bother to clean up after themselves, maybe that is why they rob, rape and sometimes kill our visitors and I guest that’s probably why they do not know nothing about delivering professional customer services to our guest. Now that the visitors arrival have slow down we have become bewildered and we are no idea why the visitors are not coming. Instead of trying to come up with ways to attract the visitors back to our country we have started the blaming game, we are now blaming the government and everything else, but ourselves. Don’t get me wrong I still believe the government could be doing much more, but we also have a vital role to play as well. Now that we are all aware of the important role that tourism plays in our economy, we must try to keep our country clean and treat our visitors with the most respect and make quality customer service a priority.

  8. For how long have people known that “the chickens always come home to roost”. “Never put all your eggs in one basket”.
    So many paid little attention to how the number one economical engine of this country was faring because we bought the “bill of goods” that visitors had no where else to go that had such beautiful seas, sand and sun. We pushed to the back of our mind that people spending their money expect to be in a clean environment, to receive the very best of service and to be welcomed with a happy smile and good grace. While we were living the good life we never thought of “rainy days” to come. There were those who cried out for the establishment of alternative forms of energy; for not living beyond our means; for preserving in good condition what nature has so happily provided for us. Now that we are in an economical quagmire we think we should call on the Government to bail us out of this dilema. We forget that we ARE the government. You ask where Hubert is. He’s doing all that he can do at this point. He foresaw the turndown and provided more money for the social service budget, he caused the power to be turned back on and demanded that those persons legitimately behind be given some options to begin paying arrears, he is continuing infrastructure projects and buildings so that some jobs are available, he has instructed that alternate forms of energy be researched and implemented as soon as possible. Now, those who are in danger of losing their houses because they are unable to make their payments, will be helped to do so. Where is Mr. Ingrahm? Right at the helm of HIS ship! He will bring us to a safe haven eventually! If “Late again” was in charge he would be calling a commission to investigate the hows, wheres, and whys of what was happening. No doubt he would “have a Plan” but once again it would only be in his head, never to see the light of day.

  9. Joe, while cola does have some acid in it, its not THAT much. But I actually did try a test similar to that the other day, I put pepsi in a bowl with a small 1/2″ piece of bread. The following day the bread was still there, soggy, but there. 😉

  10. Did you know that if you put a nail in a bottle of coke or pepsi that at the end of 24 hours it will have disintegrated and be gone? So General Crazy that just might explain your craziness. As to Mr. Ingrahm, he will announce his plans to help those who are having difficulties making their mortgage payments.Remember that as long as you are paying at least the interest on your mortgage you can’t lose your house.One good thing about this recession is that we are all learning a lesson about budgeting and conserving. Let’s hope when things improve we are smart enough to live within our means and be sure to put away enough in our savings account to tide us over for at least 6 months. Keep up your spirits all!

  11. i prefer pepsi to coke, but recently ive been getting sick and wonderin if its not all the pepsi ive been drinking. since they are closing, maybe they dont care as much about their final product. some of the bottles are just plain nasty, with dirt and stuff all over them, and nasty smelling caps too. im sad to say but I was happy when I heard this, when they start importing pepsi then us pepsi drinkers will be able to drink from clean bottles and finally get a decent product again.

  12. Our beloved PM is finding all these problems so stressful, he had to get away for a while. He probably is enjoying couple bottles of Kaliks and Rum down in Habour Island. The sad thing is the problems isn’t going any where, when he gets back from his drinking binge unemployment rate will still be high, the cost of living will be still be high, crimes and tourism will still be a problem. You can run, but you can not hide.

  13. I would expect HI to be anywhere there is rum. I guess he is “soaking” the troubles of this country away.

    Lets see whose name is shown on the credit line of the pictures when they return. Tee Hee

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