The 12hr shift starts, the rate of crime slows. The 12hr shift ends, everybody ducking for cover again.

Right Choice – Right Direction
Dear Editor,
Today, Mr Christie did the right thing. I ask anyone to name one crime fighting imitative implemented in the last 25 yrs that had any good sustained results? Name one? For the last billion years, whenever the PM of the day or the National Security Minister of that day would talk about crime, it was always the same old tired lines off, “we will recruit more officers” or “we will purchase more cars” yada, yada, yada, talk, talk, talk.
The people who came out to the Police town hall meetings gave their input and the Minister of National Security, the Commissioner of Police and his team put a plan together. No one knew how effective the 12hr shift portion of the program was going to be, but as the weeks went on, everyone from the PM right own down, was optimistic that the tide was finally beginning to turn. There was even some cautious optimism that the murder rate would not even hit 100. Then the leader of the Police Staff Association, the media and usually critics started chirping, and that was that.
That program never should have ended. It should have been and it probably was going to be scaled back from an island wide campaign to just hot spot area. Isn’t it amazing that in the wake of all these murders, the same Police Staff Association leader and his friends who was doing all that crying have nothing to say?
When we getting shoot up they say crime out of hand and the government don’t know what to do. Then suddenly the government does something, the rate of crime slows and the PSA leader, the media, and others switch their mouth and say the 12hr shift needs to end because the police working to hard and they are not getting paid right? What the hell is dis?
Mr Christie and Mr Greenslade, I hope yinna learn ya lesson; THE TAIL DON’T WAG THE DOG! You all call the shots, not the PSA leader, the media or the usual critics. Don’t mind these uncircumcised Philistines making noise, be like David against Goliath and use what ya know does work.
Once the government get those courts up and running and the legislature amend the law regarding bail, which is key, there is no reason why we shouldn’t see a considerable dent in those crime numbers in 2014. Time to take this country back!