Perry Christie is now LIVE on Hard Copy 105.9FM


NEWS HAPPENING NOW: Former Prime Minister and leader of the Opposition Rt. Hon. Perry Christie has just walked into the studio of Gems 105.9 FM. Christie will be interviewed on the most potent hour of talk radio with host Steve McKinney.

Watch live streaming video from plpbahamas at


  1. It really is time our people wake up and see how Ingraham is destroying our country. It is so sad how people close there eyes to the fool he is doing. Perry is a great man but the people want change so if i was Perry and want the party to win i would listen to the people and retire and put someone else there. PERRY I LOVE YOU BUT DO WHAT THE PARTY NEED TO SURVIVE. and when you leaving you need to take a couple more of them with you.

  2. BP, (PLP Central), we disagree once more, Hubert is the only choice for the FNM and indeed for the Bahamas and Bahamians are now coming to realize this fact.

    But like I tell you try all you can you cannot change that fact.

    It is pointless pointing this out to you so I just repeat it so your fruitless attempts to smear him is useless.

      • Didn’t finish what I was typing. If you prefer a man that lies to his ppl, makes a mess, then taxes his ppl for his incompetence, is intimidated of white foreigners, and I could go on, but have things to do, then in my opinion you’re an idiot. Your leader can’t even take calls bcz he’s scared of criticism. Spineless, faking being tough. I read right thru the toad-man. He’s more a wimp than Christie. As u ppl like to say is Christies flaw. I think he has more bal!$ than the one who puts it on show all the time only to be shaking in his boots inside. Ingraham is the great pretender. Oops can’t be. He’s not even great! Lol.

        • I just cant believe people would actually be foolish enough to vote for him again?? OR any of those 2 for that matter. If you put PC or HI back in charge its just going to keep spiraling out of the control, so might as well just stay home and not vote.

      • Hubert Ingraham said he did not want to come back to serve. He said that it was his intention to go and he went. But he said people called back for him and that if he was to make a decision on the matter he would not be here in power today. We then must wonder who called for him to come back and if he has no interest to serve then who’s interest is he now serving to? Could it be the 19 Wealthy people who he handed Arawak Cay Port over to?


        • HUbert Ingraham we said before is a outright LOW DOWN RIGHT Nasty LIAR!

          He says there was no riot in Bain Town, that he is not campaigning and that his government fired no one! DOWNRIGHT LIES!

          WE NEED CHANGE!


          • HIA and PERRY needs to go take a chill pill and some blue boys and spend some time with their wives or sweethearts, their time has past im ready for BDM and mr. stuart

          • Yeah I thought that was really sad when he said there was not any evidence of a riot. If that wasnt a riot I would hate to see what he calls a riot.

  3. BP are you mad cause no one seems interested in listening to Mr. Christie, say what you want BP Hubert is still the best choice.

    But continue to promote Mr. Christie as best as you can, Christie is just not up to the task.

    • Oh yes he is not just the BEST CHOICE, but Hubert Ingraham is the ONLY CHOICE for the FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT! He said it and we saw it! THAT IS FACT!

      His yes men are SPINELESS and his cheerleaders in the party refuse to challenge him. SO you are right, Hubert Ingraham is the ONLY CHOICE FOR THE FNM, but not the country!


  4. Most of the callers telling Mr Christie it’s time for him to go home and retire! Lol most of the youth of this country isn’t going back to Christie forward to the promised land with Joshua! Moses is dead!


    • What is fact is this, most of the youth are cussin HUbert. And Feburary 16th, 2010 proved that when they told PAPA in Lizzy even though the constituency was named after his grandma, they want no part of Hubert Ingraham.


  5. Ingraham left the show entertaining not a single question from the PUBLIC! Perry Christie is now entertaining commentary and questions from the public.


  6. we usually do not listen to Steve’s and today will not be any exception. My family usually read the news and or listen to Jones Communication Network.

    Steve one said that his show is for person’s of similar minds so he gets his usual callers. I wish Steven well.

  7. Christie tells his audience to look at his 5 years and look at Hubert’s 5 years and he contends $125 million in debt was left by Ingraham. He confirms revenue was increased by 56% while not raising a single tax on the Bahamian people.


  8. Christie says help and hope must be the watch word in the Bahamas. Christie contends the Government of the Bahamas is not listening to the cries of the people.


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