Peter Carey tells national radio he is not going to Butler and Sands meeting tonight…


Butler and Sands supporter drops out on national radio and says he does not support a return of PAPA!….

Peter Carey says he drops support for Butler and Sands.
Peter Carey says he drops support for Butler and Sands.

Nassau, Bahamas – The collapse of the Butler and Sands team is beginning to be seen following the mega Rock with Doc events on Grand Bahama.

Carey called into the evening talk show to tell the country that he is discouraged with the system of politics and believes the system needs to change.

He told the radio audience, “I was to go to a meeting tonight but I will no longer be attending that meeting.” The meeting was a Butler and Sands event at a public school.

Carey also added that he is not in support of the return of former Prime Minister Ingraham to head the FNM, but he said he is not a delegate to the convention.

Carey caught eternal hell from BP when we revealed how he could not be selling out the country by working illegal documents in the department of immigration.

From then all Carey could do is go to church and say he prayers.

We report yinner decide!