PHA attempts to explain Barbara Hanna employees fight at PMH hospital!


PHA on Magic Touch Employee rumble over mop and broom: ACTION TAKEN OVER INCIDENT AT PMH OVER THE WEEKEND

Weekend hospital fight at PMH.

The Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) acknowledges with regret an incident which occurred on Saturday, November 3rd 2018, between employees of a cleaning service contracted to provide housekeeping services at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).

The PHA has been advised that the contractor has taken action to resolve the matter and bring the responsible parties to account. The PHA wishes to confirm that there was no PMH employee involved in the incident.

The incident, which has been making rounds via social media, occurred in the downstairs corridor of the PMH Outpatient Wing, and involved a physical altercation between an employee and supervisor hired by the contracted cleaning service.

The Authority takes a very dim view of any instance of unprofessional behaviour, particularly at its institutions and agencies. Violent behaviour is completely unacceptable in any health facility and will not be tolerated anywhere within the PHA. Instances of threats, abuse or violence will result in the involvement of hospital security, and where necessary, law enforcement.

Patient and staff safety is a fundamental and essential attribute of quality healthcare. The PHA is committed to providing quality healthcare in a safe environment conducive to healing and recovery.

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