Phil Keeping slips and falls 20 feet to his death from the top floor of a Harley Davison Store in Canada? We don’t believe that story for a minute!


What really happened to the founder of CB after he recently collected plenty money on a major sale?

Philip Keeping - Founder of Cable Bahamas

Nassau, Bahamas Bahamas Press has opened a major investigation into the death of Cable Bahamas founder Phil Keeping.

Now get this: Cable Bahamas issued a statement informing us that an unfortunate accident had occurred, which resulted in the death of its founder. They said nothing else.

Bahamas Press is now calling on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, with some of the best experts in the world, to get to the bottom of this. Today BP is in Canada opening our own investigation after we believe the accident was not one at all.

We believe the incident is indeed mysterious as also it is indeed shocking!

According to our investigations so far: the 65-year-old Phil Keeping died as the result of an incident at the Harley Davidson Store in Mount Pearl. Mr. Keeping, founder of Cable Bahamas, was a native of Rencontre East.

We are told he was at the Harley Davidson Store off Kenmount Road in the afternoon when strangely he fell over 20 feet to his death in the store.

Cable 12 News Channel nor Cable Bahamas went on to tell listeners what occurred. Cable Bahamas quickly issued a statement just hours after the incident saying its founder “tragically passed away in an unfortunate accident earlier today,” as they offered his wife and family condolences and heartfelt prayers.

Ya see, for BP dat ain’t enough. Something happened here and in the interest of the public we should have known more.

So why hide the real story and avoid telling residents both in Canada and in the Bahamas what really transpired. Boy, I tell ya.

We have been informed by Constable Taila Murphy that the police responded to the call of Mr. Keeping’s death shortly after 1 pm and confirmed that an investigation is ongoing. Nothing further has been said.

Just in September Cable Bahamas announced how it had successfully completed the acquisitions of Marco Island Cable (MIC) and NuVu LLC (Nu Vu) in Florida. The total cash consideration paid by Cable Bahamas to acquire MIC and Nu Vu was $10.1M and $12.6M respectively. This would have been a big payday for Mr. Keeping.

You all would remember how early in February Bahamas Press brought an inquiry into the purchase. We asked: Why buy a company for potentially millions which doesn’t have a complete network operational?

According to, NuVu has been in business for two years with a staff complement of 8, estimated annual revenues of $530,000 and in a single location. Similarly, Marco Island Cable has been in business of 18 years with a staff compliment of 8, estimated annual revenues of $760,000 and in a single location. Both businesses list its president as William Gaston. If these are the businesses that have been acquired by Cable Bahamas they don’t appear on the surface to be profitable enough to command such high sales prices and values.

But now we have a conundrum: The founder and mastermind behind the plot has quietly slipped from the top floor of a building and no one is saying a damn word.

Call da police! BP is investigating.

We report yinner decide!