Philip Brave Davis brings Coach Anthony Williams and Olympian “Speedy” Steven Gardiner back together again!

High school coach Rev. Anthony Williams and INCOMING PM Philip Brave Davis Q.C. arriving at Sapodilla Restaurant to celebrate Olympians Shaunae Millier-Uibo and Steven Gardiner.
Olympians “Speedy” Steven Gardiner and The Bahamian Track Queen Mrs Shaunae Miller-Uibo arriving together at Sapadilla this afternoon for a reception by the BAAAs recognizing their Olympic achievements in Tokyo.

4NASSAU| Moores Island High School Coach Rev. Anthony Williams, the man who coached, sheltered and trained Olympian “Speedy” Steven Gardiner was not going to be present at the reception of the Olympian back into the country following his impressive GOLD medal victory at a time 43.85 in Tokyo.

The Minnis Government refused to invite Williams for the celebrations in Nassau, but as Philip Brave Davis Q.C. got wind of what was happening and how this GREAT Bahamian from Moores Island was being overlooked, he quickly organized a plane to make this happen for the reunion of Coach Williams and Gardiner.

Today, they were back together again (Rev Williams and Gardiner), shown here arriving at a BAAAs reception at Sapodilla Restaurant celebrating that GREAT OLYMPIAN who has made the Bahamas proud.

Davis is the REAL DEAL! He is a BIG DEAL! HE IS FOR REAL! THANK YOU, MR PHILIP BRAVE DAVIS for bringing champions together and constantly showing the Bahamas what Real Leadership should look and feel like.

We report yinner decide!