Philip Brave Davis must now be given the chance to lead the PLP into the transition…


We don’t want the PLP to descend into Civil War – PLEASE!!!!!

Philip Brave Davis has a natural skill to infiltrate and inflate opposition groups.

Nassau, Bahamas – Former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie returned to the capital tonight in preparation for a special called meeting of the National General Council of the Progressive Liberal Party.

In that meeting to be held tonight at Gambier House, PLPs will decide the way forward with its leadership following the 2017 General Election defeat, which left almost every leader of the party a casualty of war.

Only four members will head to Parliament led by the PLP’s Viceroy Hon. Philip Brave Davis who became the only MP to increase his margin of victory at the May 10th polling. Mr. Davis won his Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador seat by 304 votes, up from from 84 in the 2012 elections.

Davis, just this past January, was affirmed by the Party’s National Convention as its deputy leader when he went unopposed for the post. The importance of the deputy is that, when such a defeat occurs and the leader must make a decision on his part in the way forward for the Party, the mantle of leadership should then be passed on.

But while the Minnis Cabinet is set to be seated by 5pm Monday, an announcement from the PLP that Philip Brave Davis will be at the helm of the PLP has stalled.

Sources tell us a faction of the party has mounted a conversation high up in the upper echelons of the PLP favoring Glenyns Hanna Martin to lead the Party moving forward. In these discussions, it is also being urged that Obadiah Wilchcombe should lead the Senate for the PLP.

Now we at BP will be kind because we ga say it again, we don’t want CIVIL WAR in our decent party. We want a peaceful transition going forward with the new incoming leader of the opposition, the Hon. Philip Brave Davis. He has the overwhelming support of the Council, the Delegates, the MPs past and present and he is the man of da people from the wider parts of the country. BRAVE IS DA MAN!

Mr. Davis has the experience and the apparatus to deliver a national political assault on the Minnis Government. He becomes, when the Parliament sits, the new FATHER OF THE HOUSE with Government and Opposition experience. Some persons may not like this, but they know what this means. This will mean that the short man from Cat Island will chop down the big tree standing in his way.

We want the National General Council to take heed to the people Monday night and listen to then carefully. Let us in the PLP not go down that road of the Rebel Seven and fight and kick against the hand God has delivered to us!

Philip Brave Davis is now the go to man inside the PLP and anyone else will not gather the kind of national respect and attention necessary to position the party for the next general election.

We don’t want any fight! Let’s just move forward with da ting!

We report yinner decide!