ABACO| From Friday July 23, Randy Butler’s plane went off the radar over Abaco and the pilot had not been heard from since, until today.
Bahamas Press is wondering who is managing the skies around Abaco if relatives are the ones warning authorities when aircrafts go missing in the Bahamas?
“Family members were concerned that the pilot did not return home, which prompted them to start calling around, trying to see if anyone knew if an aircraft disappeared,” AAIA Chief Investigation Delvin Major told the media last week. These concerns by the family of the pilot prompted an investigation to open.
Oran Munroe was found today (SUNDAY). Aviation authorities have yet to update THE PRESS ON THIS DEVELOPMENT!
The exact location of the crash and what was found is still quietly under raps with investigators. The press is almost silent on the missing plane and now its rescue of the pilot who we have learned was found is clinging to life with severe injuries. YINNER BETTER WAKE UP IN THIS COUNTRY!
But why is this investigation so hush hush? Were drugs found on the aircraft? Where exactly was the crash? And why has the media not been invited to get any update on this BREAKING developing story?
Police, some days following the crash, issued a bulletin for the missing 34-year-old pilot who was once employed with the defunct airline Sky Bahamas.
We at Bahamas Press know though that the plane was owned by Randy Butler. But check this out.
The officer in Charge of the Abaco Division Kenwood Taylor said he was unaware of the most recent development (the missing plane), but told media that he was asked to remain on the lookout for the aircraft. WELL WHAT IS THIS? Now isn’t that interesting! Plane fell off the radar under his area and he don’t know a damn thing about it. YINNER READING THIS?!
Anyway, the pilot is alive. And let’s see if Randy Butler will make a statement about his missing/CRASHED plane.
We ga report and let yinner decide!