Merrit Forbes is the 6th person to be murdered in the past five days

Pinewood – Tonight police recorded homicide #62 after a resident of the Pinewood community was gunned down just near the basketball court in the constituency.
Our reports from the ground confirm the victim to be, 31-year-old Merrit Eugene ‘Mole’ Forbes. He was known to police and described as a “career criminal” by some on the scene.
Sources late this afternoon reported how a gunman pulled up to the victim and opened fire on him as he stood just near the edge of the park. There he collapsed and fell after being shot multiple times about the body.
He was taken to hospital via private vehicle, however, he was pronounced dead on arrival.
This latest incident is the 6th murder in 5 days and the 62nd to have occurred in the capital for the year.
The record bloodbath for the week is sounding the message loud and clear that much intervention is needed to curb social behaviours on the ground. High crime communities like Pinewood is where there is almost an absence of youth and civic groups! Gangs are running the community down like violent flies, and yet, with the 20 plus churches in the surrounding area, there is little time to do any strong witness on the drug peddling streets! Why not place a patrol car on every corner in Pinewood? Why not lock that down with a heavy police presence? Why are criminals not feeling the weight and hand of the law in these hot spots? WHY?
And what about the Big Cathedral in Pinewood; with thousand plus membership, yet, we doubt you can find 20% of the membership to be from in the community! Why is Pinewood being allowed to descend into a sea of blood filled with rivers of tears!
We are really, really getting sick and tired of this crime crisis! Stronger Bahamas? Yeah, with more blood stained streets and high-powered illegal weapons!