These are the actions of a self-centred narcissist

3 August 2024
Dear BP,
The Leader of the Opposition is a wretched man. After presiding in the Cabinet of ineluctably the worst government in the Bahamas’ history, he struggles to convince us that he was not a party to or a member of government whose irrational decisions brought the Bahamas economy to its knees. He engages in a classic deflection tactic in his struggle to convince us that it wasn’t me. Ignore successful PLP policies, economic growth, new jobs, improved tourism sector performance, and a pipeline filled with projects and focus on negatives.
In his most recent wrongheaded diatribe, Pintard, speaking on the ongoing police corruption probe, asserted, in the Tribune, “This murder once again puts law enforcement and the criminal justice system in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, renewing public accusations of systemic corruption among those tasked with enforcing wrong reasons, renewing public allegations of systemic corruption among those tasked with enforcing the law”.
In this statement, he managed to smear the Royal Bahamas Police Force and our Judicial system, although how the Judicial system is connected to the probe remains unclear. Then Pintard doubled down, proclaiming in the same Tribune article that the government’s lack of urgency and engagement in establishing a transparent process to investigate this matter is shaking public confidence in law enforcement, policymakers, and the criminal justice system.
Not only has he once again conflated the duties of several government institutions, but now he has revealed the true target of his feigned outrage: “policymakers”. Since the policymakers are, in fact, the current government, he is now attacking them for a process which is entirely the domain of the police. I wonder if he expects the Minister concerned to conduct the investigation himself, then hold a press conference and make public sensitive national security information? My bad, I was thinking about Oban.
Maybe that’s what he would do, but someone more familiar with the investigatory process would avoid this at all costs. We are seeing here the actions of a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and believes that this qualifies him to know a lot about things outside his experience and training.
These are the actions of a self-centred narcissist. He was a willing and active participant in an incompetent FNM administration. He’s trying t gaslight us into believing that, despite his past role, all should be forgiven because he is now the Leader of the Opposition.
The problem is that he is also struggling in this role, mainly because he feels his role is to criticise everything, provide solutions for nothing, insult opponents, and undermine our institutions.
Unsurprisingly, that was his modus operandi as a minister. His lack of solutions is disappointing, to say
the least.
Michael J. Brown