Pintard! When you see the men in BLACK – Hubert Minnis wants to COME BACK!


Minnis hires destabilizers Bain and crew to protest in BLACK last Wednesday!

MINNIS and Bain crew who went on Paradise Island to destroy property in March 2016!

NASSAU| Most Bahamians would forget Hubert Minnis and his men in black (Lincoln Bain, Renard Eric, and John Bostwick) who marched and marched and marched leading up to the 2017 General Elections.

On March 1, 2016, Hubert Minnis, in his bold attempt to tell lies across the country, led a march over Paradise Island bridge to claim he wanted to open beach access. He took his most trusted political whore, Lincoln Bain, over PI Bridge and marched to the gates of Cabbage Beach – where Bain and crew (paid destabilizers) destroyed private property. 

Minnis quickly hauled ASS out of the area and later promised that he would interfere in the justice system once elected and free the destabilizers (Bain and crew). Once elected Minnis did just that!

Many forget how Bain and Minnis had a long friendship that dated back to the Pinewood Gardens nominations, which ended in a nasty row over recorded comments by Lanisha Rolle.

So many saw the small group gathered on Bay Street this week and questioned what were the crew really marching for.  There in the crowd were women from Hubert Minnis’ branch and hardcore supporters. Well, we at BP for one know they were marching for Hubert Minnis who is just one vote away from regaining control of the FNM Party from FNM Leader Michael Pintard.

Minnis’ PAID online trolls, who badmouth Michael Pintard daily, were broadcasting live from Bay Street as the men in black came behind crooked Bain. Most people cannot make this connection like BP!

Bain has no stellar reputation in the country. The man who had to leave the Royal Bahamas Police Force just like his sidekick Maria Daxon -If you remember – is someone who made a living recording naked people on a beach, robbed a pensioner, knows what happened in a burnt down shoe store and got away, became a so-called pastor sticking up the members before his wife made her swift exit before that church went up in smoke – that should be enough to convince sensible people to stay far away from Bain. Sensible people is the keyword here!

But, hey, common sense is not found much these days; especially when you see people – who should know better – are just as dumb as the nuts on Bay Street! These people know very little about the history of the Bahamas! But that is Minnis followers for ya! And we in the Bahamas are a strong democratic country; shamed by the “INCOMPETENT AUTHORITY” who placed every Bahamian under house arrest! Most forget that too about DESPERATE Hubert Minnis!

The point here is simple: We have seen this “BLACK” horse and pony show of Hubert Minnis before and we all know how that ended.

But here is our message to the leader of the opposition: Pintard…WHEN YOU SEE MINNIS MEN IN BLACK – JUST KNOW MINNIS WILL DO ANYTHING TO COME BACK! ANYTHING!

We report yinner decide!