Pit-bulls and Pussy Cats fight for protection


<<< Larry Cartwright the mover of the bill.

Nassau, Bahamas — Our friends in the Orient must be on the floor laughing like hyenas after looking at channel 40 and viewing the Pit-bull and Pussy Cats of Parliament fight for animal rights.

Today’s session was another nasty attack on the Bahamian people, roping a foreign law to protect animals. And while they were in the parliament seeking to protect Lassie, Rover, Tom and Jerry from cruelty, residents are still wondering when will the servants of the people do the real bidding of their electors and move legislation to protect people from the cruelty of wild human animals against each other.

Larry Cartwright, the mover of the bill, tells us rooming animals will not be allowed to walk idle about the streets to harass members of the society. Has Parliament Gone to the DOGS? Could you believe that?

With all these harden crooks walking up and down this country committing the most wicked heinous acts against human beings, the MPs are in their own world taking about animal protection? All this Jookin, Stabbing, Robbing, Maiming, Rape and Slaughter of people day and night these suckers we send to pass laws to protect us finds the time to protect the dogs?

Sidney Collie says you could be fine if your dog makes too much noise in the night. Well blow me down! Collie need to go in his constituency near Bellot Road and listen to all the loud reggae music some dogs continue to play until 4am in the morning to the annoyance of residents in the area, and police never responds. When one dog start barking and 50 others respond to the call, which dogowner will be charged, fined or arrested? THEY MUST BE MAD! We have not seen such utter nonsense since King Henry VIII.

When last have you heard a dog – while headed to work – was stabbed five times about the body? When last have you heard a police officer gang a dog stabbing it dead? When last you’ve seen or heard a dog, cat or rat while headed to work was fatally shot to the head? When last you’ve heard a home invasion took place in a doghouse and the intruder murdered the head of that house?

We ‘gat’ it bad! BAD! When people lights are off, and unemployment is about to shoot around 25%. At a time when hundreds are being pillaged, raped, slaughtered and maimed in our society the wild animals in Parliament have decided to come to the place of lawmaking to debate foolishness. Can they not hear the people of this country are crying for protection? They want CRIME solved and criminals who commit murder hung? On the other hand, could it be they only understand animal language.

We he Bahamian people need to spayed and neuter the 41 Members of Parliament so they cannot spawn no more WUTLESS off-springs like themselves. We need to bring the cages to Rawson Square to capture all the wild JACKASSES in Parliament.

We need CHANGE Bahamas!


  1. Apparently your writer is unaware of the link between animal cruelty and (amongst other actions) domestic violence and child abuse. Pets in homes can lead people in two ways. The first, is to be aware of the need to care for animals, the second is that if the animals are not treated well, people can learn to be cruel and how to impose their power on other living creatures. The new law will require that people start to offer more than minimal care to their dogs. Ultimately, one would hope that by building empathy towards animals, this appreciation of care will then be applied to humans. Too often, people who have purpuetated

    • acts of cruelty towards animals have gone on to harm people. This law is an essential component in trying to break this progression of violence.

  2. I listened to the radio and couldn’t believe my ears. BP, you are spot on with this one. See my mom on the island where there are no defined property lines putting up a fence to protect the neighbors from the little settlement potcake. The poor dog scared of his own shadow and couldn’t harm a cat. Whose agenda is this crap? It surely cannot be before parliament because the majority wills it. Criminalising the poor again. We are in a small country and laws which are in place in England and the USA should not be adopted and placed on our books wholeheartedly.

  3. My oh my,while students are attacking each other and some teachers are taking advantage of children the HOA is wasting time talking bul…A bill like this did not have a need for debate as it could have been passed in half hour at the most.Why cant we get a bill to return Policemen to the schools?Since Parliament loves to adopt anything they see others doing overseas then put security back in schools and stop the madness there.

  4. Ok, I don’t know the entire bill, but if this is an animal cruelty bill, then I say BRAVO. This is only one of the many issues plaguing our society. You say it is not important, then look at the social-psycology literature which is filled with accounts about how criminals especially murders get started by abusing animals first. Bahamians are so cruel to their dogs, that it is about time. While I do agree that there are more pressing issues facing the nation, this is not a bad one.

  5. I listened to the radio and couldn’t believe my ears. BP, you are spot on with this one. See my mom on the island where there are no defined property lines putting up a fence to protect the neighbors from the little settlement potcake. The poor dog scared of his own shadow and couldn’t harm a cat. Whose agenda is this crap? It surely cannot be before parliament because the majority wills it. Criminalising the poor again. We are in a small country and laws which are in place in England and the USA should not be adopted and placed on our books wholeheartedly.

  6. You must remember: Hubert is the self-proclaimed PITBULL. Maybe Mr. Cartwright was using “animal-speak” to say that Hubert Ingraham, like the stray dogs, has become a menace to our society and should be euthanised…hmmmm!!!!!

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