Plane lands on its belly, and no one was injured – YET – Bahamian authorities made no mention of the incident to the press almost two weeks ago…

Stella Maris, Long Island — More news went unreported in the Bahamas and only BP will bring it to you! A plane crash-lands on Long Island a day after Valentines Day (Feb 15th, 2014)…
This breaking story confirmed to BP following TSB Report#A14F0027 was issued by the Canadian Transport Department.
The report confirmed in the communication that a Cessna Citation 501SP, registration C-GKPC, was on a flight from KFXE Fort Lauderdale Executive, Florida to MYNA Stella Maris Airport, Bahamas.
It confirmed that on the downswing leg for landing runway 31, the checklist was interrupted, and the aircraft landed with the gear retracted.
BP can confirm that, according to the official report, during that flight the aircraft sustained “substantial damage” to the underside and the flaps. No one was injured.
Interestingly, it appears that BP agents in the aviation department of the Bahamas are still in the dark on the issue up to press time and, simply, no one knows what in the hell happened in Long Island. What in the hell is this? It appears that everyone in this town – INCLUDING THE WUTLESS MEDIA – are sleeping!
BP investigations – without the help of the Aviation Department here in the capital – says the plane is owned by Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd which is located in the Canadian city of Estevan in the Province of Saskatchewan
We believe the plane was piloted Kelly Panteluk, but we aren’t sure. We know three passengers were on-board. Our concern here is simple. What was on the plane that causes officials in the Bahamas to not report this incident to the public, and think a major news gathering source like Bahamas Press will not find out?
This is the second unreported air incident in the country, which occurred almost two weeks ago.
Just yesterday Bahamas Press reported how on Sunday a plane crashed into a police vehicle at the Treasure Cay Airport. The plane had illegal nationals onboard and had no landing clearance in the Bahamas. That incident was never reported to the media until BP made public the incident.
What else is happening in the Bahamas yinner don’t know? Major news is breaking and only VAT is sucking up all the national pages.