Pleasant Bridgewater may indeed be a FREE WOMAN? Defense Attorney reveals more


Attorney Carlson Shurland (far right) is to represent former ambulance driver Tarino Lightbourne (far left) in the upcoming retrial against John Travolta. (Journal file photo).

Nassau, BahamasPleasant Bridgewater may indeed be a free woman as we reported to you the more than 10 days ago. And now a lawyer in a position to know has stated, for the record, what we reported and gives insights to the future of the case scheduled to begin tomorrow morning.

Lawyer for Tarino Lightboure, Carlson Shurland, has confirmed to reporters there are new developments, which can offset the successes of having a case.

Shurland told reporters, “I can confirm that the Travolta’s new attorney Mr. Michael Perkins was in discussion with myself in connection with Mr. Travolta’s position regarding the continued prosecution of this matter.

“I also confirm that Mr. Tarino Lightbourne would have entered into an agreement with the Travoltas whereby he would not discuss this case in the news, tabloids, television, or any media with regard to profiting from the story on the understanding that Mr. Travolta will not voluntarily pursue this matter.”

Obie Wilchcombe and John Travolta

Shurland further confirmed to BP, “That agreement was entered to in writing signed by the parties. I was in discussion with the Attorney General’s office and they are insistent on continuing with this trial on Monday the 6th [tomorrow]. And our position remains the same in terms of preparing for the defense, and we are still very confident that Mr. Lightborne would be found not guilty.”

Sources close to the American actor have also confirmed to BP, The Travoltas are expecting a child, and thus the family seeks not to bring any stress to his wife.

You would recall the matter of extortion was alleged to have been committed following the death of Jett Travolta, the 16-year-old son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston.

Jett died while the Travoltas vacationed at a resort on Grand Bahama. The Bahamian attorney, Pleasant Bridgewater and ambulance driver Tarino Lightbourne had both pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The entire case was hampered following an apparent leak from a member of the jury. Justice Anita Allen then ordered a retrial and dismissed the jury following the revelation.

Readers would remember the case being filled with political hoopla was fast tracked to the Supreme Court.

Obie 'Snitch' Wilchcombe said to be "the initiator" leaves the courtroom in the first Travolta Extortion trial.

West End and Bimini MP, Obie Wilchcombe was also arrested in the matter and was said by former defense attorney, Murrio Ducille, to have been the “Initiator” of the entire $25 million plot to extort money from the Travoltas.

A constituent in the Marco City constituency told BP, “Pleasant was always the innocent victim in all this. She only functioned as an attorney. But we all on Grand Bahama believe the ‘Snitch’ had everything to do with this and Mr. Christie needs to trip his [expletive] down as a candidate in the next election. We do not support his betrayal of this innocent woman and will not endorse him in the next election.”

In typical Christie style, Wilchcombe rather than being demoted was promoted following his devastating defeat in his bid to become deputy leader of the Party.

“The PLP cannot win an election with such tricksters on the ticket. The PLP needs to get rid of all the crooks, extortionists and all and come clean to the Bahamian people,” a spokesman for the PLP on Grand Bahama said.

Meanwhile Wayne Munroe defense attorney for Bridgewater told BP, “I am preparing my case for the defense, however, I am not concern whether or not the Travoltas come or not. For even if they come believe I doubt there will be a case.”