Renardo Curry is Loyal and Committed to North Abaco – FNM Candidate is UNKNOWN TO THE COMMUNITY

Fox Town, North Abaco — The news coming out of North Abaco now confirms that not long from now Prime Minister Perry Christie will set foot in North Abaco which will be the sign that the seat has advanced into the PLP column by a landslide victory.
PLP were jovial over the weekend as chants of “Curry, Curry” could be heard in settlement after settlement on the island.
A masterful plan to take the seat came to light when former senior generals of the FNM defected to the PLP and were seen in GOLD REGALIA walking around with PLP leaders.
The news is not good for the FNM’s campaign, which has imploded as North Abaco residents keep asking the question “who is this man planted by Ingraham?”.
No one knows the FNM candidate and confirms that they have not see or heard of the sore loser ever in all their life on the island.
The decision to run the boy divided FNMs who are already suffering from defeat in the May 7th General Elections.
But factions of the opposition Party are happy as they believe a defeat in North Abaco will result in a quick removal of Hubert Minnis who many believe cannot take the party into any election.
“North Abaco is Minnis’ Waterloo and when we are defeated down there, then will the Party accept that we are on a dangerous path of remaining in opposition for the next 20 years with him,” a source in the Loretta camp told BP.
Meanwhile, PLP candidate Curry is already being championed as the David who will replace the political Goliath in Bahamian politics. He is young, fresh with plans, committed to the community, loyal to Abaco, known by the residents, decent and has never ever considered the option of abandoning his Bahamian citizenship. Apparently, the current FNM candidate cannot say the same!
Curry or ‘NUTTIN’ is the word on the ground in North Abaco.