PLP Mass Rally in Elizabeth this Thursday



PRESS STATEMENT From Bradley Roberts: The Progressive Liberal Party wishes to advise its supporters and the general public that the Candidate’s Committee is at present finishing its process of recommending a Candidate for the Elizabeth Constituency. That committee will then be meeting tonight with the Leadership Council and Political Focus Group of the Party in consultation with the Branch Chairman of the Elizabeth Constituency to seek a motion of assent so that the recommended candidate can be presented for ratification by the Party’s National General Council tomorrow (Tuesday) evening.Ryan Pinder copy

We wish to assure the public that this very tedious process of nominating a candidate in the face of this rushed fiasco, orchestrated by a Government compelled to distract the Bahamian people from the woes plaguing us as a Country, has been done with the greatest degree of transparency and fairness. The long list of applicants anxious to represent the Progressive Liberal Party in the Elizabeth Constituency is a reflection that our Party is very much alive and remains the most viable option to lead in our Country.

Following the aforementioned constitutionally mandated internal courses of action, the constituents of Elizabeth and the Country at large, can expect the announcement and introduction of our candidate at a mass rally on the Elizabeth Estates Park on the evening of Thursday the 14th of January, 2010.

bradleyrWe hope to set the tone for a very exciting, and on our side, clean, professional and respectful campaign – unlike what has already been demonstrated by members of the Governing Party.

It is with deep regret that we report, that an official police complaint has already been filed against two of the most senior leaders of the Free National Movement whom on Sunday sought to interfere with working members of the PLP’s preliminary team. This kind of intimidation on the part of the leadership of the FNM will in no way be tolerated.

We now await with great anticipation the announcement by the Government in accordance with the Laws of our Land as to when the By-Election will be held. Our Party has no doubt that the good constituents of Elizabeth will determine to remain PLP – All The Way.


  1. Voting for Dr. Sands will be more of the same.. He will be no better than Adderley!! He will not have time for the constituents of Elizabeth.. He is too busy.. Also he will be too comfortable if the FNM were to win! Dr. Sands would just think that the FNM doesn’t have to do anything to win….

  2. @Eagle…… YES CHRISTIE and MALCOLM both ignored the wishes of the constiuents in 2007. Christie IGNORED US ONCE AGAIN… Now he is asking for a next chance?…. NO. But Hes very very lucky he has someone who does do for Lizzy Like RYAN PINDER RUNNING. Believe me and you I spoke with Pinder no later than LAST-NIGHT and he might actually have my vote. Its not signed and sealed as yet but I enn see A SEA OF RED YET and thats a PROBLEM FOR ME!

  3. Krossova, if a party truly picks their candidate through their constituents committee that is a democratic process, not because you have the area to pick their candidate makes it a non  democratic process, but if one man picks that candidate, that is not democratic, be fear, maybe the constituents need to form their own committee, but don’t blame the parties for putting their teams together,  and Wisdom, how can you call Perry late, when HAI orchestrated this whole thing, shouldn’t he be ahead of the game and have his man picked  before the FNM election committee team has a chance to think of a decent candidate, we does act fool, but we know better.

  4. neither process is truly democratic my friend, lets demand more from both parties….  we as a people have reached that place in our political maturity, where the constituents must select our candidate and advised the party if so desired of our choice….. I said if so desired because the constituency may want it’s candidate to be independant!!I challenge us to be different

  5. The FNM has their man for job first because they have to do whatever HI says!!! So whoever he says will run has to be confirmed!!

    The PLP is a democratic organization!! We don’t operate like that!! There is a REAL process to be confirmed and not a FAKE ONE MAN process like they have in the FNM!!

    • neither process is truly democratic my friend, lets demand more from both parties….  we as a people have reached that place in our political maturity, where the constituents must select our candidate and advised the party if so desired of our choice….. I said if so desired because the constituency may want it’s candidate to be independant!!I challenge us to be different

    • Do you really believe that?  I mean, do REALLY believe that?  Come on, if the PLP were so democratic, Malcolm Adderley would not have ran in Elizabeth in 2007.  By Christie’s own admission, he overrode the wishes of the constituents.  Let’s not be fooled by the processes these political parties pretend take place.  Constituency Branches, Candidates Committees, they are all rubber stamps…in both parties.

    • dictators do things their way so your stupid comment is strictly political.A party in Govt who hopes to win a bye election does not allow one of its Cabinet Ministers in the senate to run and you want top praise this selfishness?Its a clear sign to those in the Senate that PAPA only wishes them to be beholden to him.The FNM did not go through a process but are only endorsing what PAPA wants.

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