1 JUNE 2011
For Immediate Release
The Progressive Liberal Party has noted with dismay the content in the recently published secret diplomatic cables concerning apparent infighting at the leadership level in the Royal Bahamas Police Force.
The former police commissioner, Mr. Reginald Ferguson, has had a questionable tenure at the Royal Bahamas Police Force, and it is an open secret that he was only appointed because of his allegiance to Mr. Hubert Ingraham and the Free National Movement.
From the confidential cables, it was clear that Mr. Ferguson did not enjoy the full support of the senior command of the police force and used his relationship with the current Prime Minister to rid the police force of officers he did not wish to be around.
Needless to say the Prime Minister was complicit with the former commissioner and his decision to confirm Mr. Ferguson as commissioner not only raises serious questions about the judgment of the Prime Minister for the following reasons:
The Supreme Court of the Bahamas found that Reginald Ferguson had submitted false evidence in a murder trial, and despite the Prime Minister’s assertion that the ruling would be challenged and appealed, such appeal was never lodged, apparently it was swept under the carpet and Mr. Ferguson was quietly retired.
Mr. Ferguson was condemned by the Lorequin Commission of Inquiry for his handling of the operation of a drug bust by and subsequent detention of the HMBS Inagua at or around the 20th June 1992.
To add insult to injury, the Prime Minister then appointed him to the sensitive position which he now holds. No wonder things in this country are rolling downhill.
Mr. Ferguson has not disputed the content of this morning’s publication, and only offered up a feeble “no comment”.

Well we say that it was a violation of Bahamian national security interests for Mr. Ferguson to toddle over to his de- facto bosses at the U.S. embassy to talk our nation’s secrets.
It is of little wonder then that we recall the outrageous collusion by local officials in the entrapment of Bahamians. Mr. Ferguson was instrumental in the arrest of baggage handlers and their incarceration in the United States on drug related charges. The FNM at the time condemned this operation, but duplicitously rewarded Mr. Ferguson with a promotion to Commissioner of Police.
Is Mr. Ferguson continuing his “double-gaited” walk on two sides of the street? Was he inserted in the sensitive agency to aid his party leader’s improper relationship with foreign interests?
The Progressive Liberal Party demands the dismissal of Mr. Ferguson immediately in the interests of our nation’s security.
Could you imagine the head of the FBI or CIA running to Bahamian diplomats to “talk secrets?”
The Government of The Bahamas must address this breach of our nation’s security now.
EDITOR’s NOTE: Bahamas Press cites serious, we dear say dangerous, revelations by the Nassau Guardian’s exclusive publication of the WIKILEAKS cables. The cables deserves a Pulitzer Prize.
What we find dastardly interesting though is the deafening silence by other members of the WUTLESS Media, who appear to be holding off the mix inside the poison chalice on the FNM leadership presented in the revelations.
While much of the cables appear to present repetitive language against the leader of the PLP, no one in media, THOSE WRITING THE CABLES nor those reading them, have found the balls to address the cables to HUBERT INGRAHAM or any member of his Cabinet.
How is it the Guardian, which we congratulate by the way, could find the nerve to contacts members of the PLP and other persons presented in the articles, but cannot find the spine, we dear say the gumption to quiz the PM on the long speculation of his status as an agent to a foreign Power.
Bahamas Press wonders if the journalists who have found the spine to present the cables will go the full way and put SERIOUS questions to the PM. Bahamas Press will wait and see.
Well as far as i know Reginald Ferguson was the most senior person to take on the job of Commissioner of Police…………everyone knows that he fraternized with the Americans on occasions and i feel like he sold our country out to the Americans…the incident with the baggage handlers should have been dealt with differently and whoever caused our young Bahamians to be incarcerated by trickery ought to be sued for not going through due process and proper protocol…it looked so very suspicious….i think that P.L.P and F.N.M have done wrongs to the Bahamian People and we as Bahamians need to think long and hard as to what type of standard our leaders should be held to. There are alot of politicians who have gained monies from drug dealers and some of it is so noticeable……i must say that. I have my political persuasion but i must say that Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham have never been accused of any corruption but their politician buddies have in many instances…..Both Leaders are forces to reckon with but i think that Hubert Ingraham has Perry Christie on being decisive and making the tough call and Christie is not capitalizing on some things that they (PLP) needs to drive home to the Bahamian People but they are not doing it….they(PLP) talk about crime and thats it but will not promote Capital Punishment neither do they say that they openly support and will see that it is carried out…they run from it…..simple because they are a part of the problem…….However Perry is one who will let things play itself out and sometimes he made no decision, that infuriated the Bahamian people with him………….but back to the point at hand, if i were Reginald Ferguson i would retire from the public sector gracefully and move on with his life…..he has hurt many in this organization called the Royal Bahamas Police Force…..a man who was so strung out on weeding out corruption has fallen prey to his own thesis….if the wiki leaks are accurate, that thrives on the threshold of Corruption for a Police Officer.
Yall need to look into the FNM record on this starting from the LOP days when they tried to bury him with lies!
Don’t ferget this is the party that put avowed RACISTS on yer damn money so what you think they ger say about you!
Don’t be misled like Fred Mitchell said stick to the issues UNEMPLOYMENT AND CRIME those are the two issues that matter most in this country right not Wiki as we know what the FNM’s think of us and what they are capable of!
I voting RED cause Bahamians need a damn reminder!
Two of a kind, pimps for the US. Ferguson, the Foreign National MESS operative on the police force,who kiss *** all the way to the job of commissioner police; is the second biggest uncle tom in the country.We need a special tribunal for scum bags like him Ingraham and some them who worked in the high courts.
The Editor of the Nassau Guardian has no BALLS so don’t expect him to say anything about the FNM as it relates to the Cable Leaks, He is a known SPINELESS —– and all one have to do is check his history. He ain’t nothing but a Big GIRL walking around in a man’s suit. Like I said check his history, in Banking, Insurance, etc. A REAL CROOK &
We look at a country where correcting the masses appears to be something worth examining.The example we set or lack thereof sends a clear message of what would be tolerated. The core of pointing to Reginald Ferguson who is out of office as Chief Of Police comes a bit too late. The force has become a well organized occultic witchcraft operation posse in place who refuse to do their work as they are paid to do, seeking any measure or means necessary to discredit those who can see what they are doing. Time out. The increase of lawlessness in the Bahamas steams from the well paid employees of the public purse including elected officials who fail to see their negligence of job assignment is to do what they are paid to do, otherwise chaos would continue. Here is a factor to consider PLP’s and FNM’s – ON YOUR WATCH BAHAMIANS HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO A PLACE WHERE THEY ARE SECOND CLASS CITIZENS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY, ARE CALLED STUPID AND FEAR SPEAKING THEIR OWN TRUTH WHILE OTHERS WHO HAVE THEIR RIGHTS IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY ENTER IN AND DO AS THEY PLEASE. THERE COMES A TIME WHEN NO ONE IS HEARING YOU IN THE BAHAMAS, THEN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY HAS AN EAR WHICH HEARS. SO WITH THE GLOBAL VIEW IN MIND – HOW ABOUT QUESTIONING HOW CORRUPTION HAS INCREASED IN THE BAHAMAS SINCE 1992, FLOURISHED SINCE 2007 AND THE HAITIAN DRUG CARTEL FIND IT SO EASY TO SEND DRUGS THROUGH THE BAHAMAS WITH NOT ONE WORD BEING UTTERED. OPEN YOURS EYES FOLKS, IF YOU ARE AFRAID OF THE OCCULT REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT DOING YOUR DAMN JOB IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Mr. Ingraham, could be heard sending warnings to ministers as he put it, on both sides in Parliament to stay away from anyone with criminal behavior. With all of this disgusting stuff which seem to be happening under his watch my humble opinion is that his ministers,should stay away from him if, these allegations are true.
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