Christmas Message 2012
Bradley B. Roberts
National Chairman
Progressive Liberal Party
Let us pause to reflect on the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and the many reasons He has given us to be thankful.
We are indeed thankful for the gift of life, our health, our loving families and friends. We are reminded that in the midst of it all that there are many who did not live to see this yuletide season.
We must remind ourselves of our brothers and sisters who remain economically challenged, in ill health, frail and afraid. They are in need of a kind word and a moment of our time. Let’s give it.
As we come to the end of a very challenging year, remember that challenges are just opportunities for us try harder and be better than we ever thought we could. Our country throughout its history has always been meant to accomplish great things. And we will together, accomplish and move beyond all challenging times, as a nation.
It is written that we are to give thanks in all things, in both good times and not. I give thanks today.
So as you fellowship with family and friends this Christmas season, spread a little holiday cheer. Remember our less fortunate brothers and sisters by sharing the blessings that Almighty God has so graciously bestowed upon you.
I entreat you to celebrate in moderation. Be civil in your deliberations and remain safe in your travels during this holiday season as the scourge of crime continues to challenge us as a nation.
Please continue to pray for and support our nation’s leaders as the government works feverishly to restore our weakened economy and bring civility to our challenged streets and at-risk communities.
May God make your new year a happy one. Pray that it is filled with things that are truly good. Pray for the strength to help those who need our help. Pray for the humility to accept help when we need it from others.
So on behalf of my family and the Progressive Liberal Party, I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, safe and prosperous New Year.