9th December 2011
The handwriting has been on the wall for days, the collapse of the FNM Cabinet as we knew it.
Constitutionally, the position has now been regularized with the dismissal of Kenneth Russell from the Cabinet. I recall my earlier statement published this week in the press when I said: “I am wondering therefore given the conventions of the constitution how it is possible for a minister to publicly dissent from a decision of the Cabinet and the Prime Minister chastise him and then the Cabinet continues to sit undisturbed with that Minister still in the Cabinet, with neither the minister resigning nor the Prime Minister forcing the issue.”
I understand that the situation became more untenable for the former Minister when he made his position pellucidly clear about opposing the will of the Prime Minister at the meeting of the party held last evening in Freeport.
The Prime Minister acted this morning to dismiss him once he heard the content of his comments. Mr. Ingraham had to act to help to frighten the other troops and keep them in line. My concern is for the stability of the government and ultimately the country.
What we see happening is only the tip of the iceberg, a desperate attempt by the Prime Minister to save himself. This is 2002 revisited. Firing ministers, attacking his own people. Mr. Russell, Kendal Wright and Verna Grant should join us in the PLP and vote Mr. Ingraham out. The government is operating on a knife’s edge.
It is time for the Prime Minister to go to the people and put himself out his misery and allow the PLP the opportunity to govern. I remind the Prime Minister that in the circumstances when the new Parliament meets, the maxim will be: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
How is it that Mr. Russell can claim to be a lover and supporter of the FNM, and then put his own interests above that of the Party? I would suggest that anyone who believes that he is bigger than the organisation that he is supposed to be loyal to to go, and go now!
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