PLP Government is facing a wave of discontent among younger voters BBB Analytics polling confirm!


ONE PLP MP rewarded and saved with a 300 strong majority in boundary cuts

PLP Convention seven years ago shows a different party headed into Elections...
PLP Convention seven years ago shows a different party headed into Elections…

Failure of Government to defend the Parliament proves the PLP is not prepared to defend the Bahamian People!

Nassau, Bahamas – One PLP MP is happy and celebrating tonight as new boundary changes has been cut to support his shortfalls in the upcoming general elections.

The MP was on his hands and knees begging to not remain deep in what everyone describes as the Red ZONE, where FNM strongholds have doubled since the last elections.

The chiefs of the PLP have heard the cries of the struggling MP, who essentially is a good and decent MP and deserves the right to manage the people’s business.

BP has learnt the MP has been cut into a 300 PLP strong belt, which will guarantee him another term in office in service to the people.

But the news is still not good for the Party of Pindling, Butler and Hanna.

Former PLP Cabinet Minister Leslie Miller told the media yesterday cut-a$$ is coming, and from his tone it sounds like plenty people will go home when a Dr. Hubert Minnis Administration gets elected.

BBB Analytics on the ground are pointing to a serious systemic collapse among generals within the PLP is the reality on the ground, where many who are “cussing” want new fresh leadership in the country! Our polling also confirm only 3 in 10 voters below the age of 25 will support a PLP candidate if the elections were held today! This must not be good news.

One hardcore PLP told Bahamas Press while standing on the Wendy’s line, “I took the PLP deep into the belly of the heartland in this constituency. All the motorcades and street walks were organized by me! My team created many messages to get the MP for this area elected! But today we don’t know if he is even still in the Parliament! I used all my vehicles to get dem elected and look at me standing on the Wendy’s line asking yall for dollar so I can take something home to eat!”

The victim was preaching to the choir as some 20 patrons listening responded with shouts of “Amen”!

Our response was short and swift as is justice! “It ain’t long nah!”

We report yinner decide!