By Alexander James/ BP EDITOR
NASSAU| I’m starting to get that feeling once again that The Bahamas is about to change for the better.
On Sunday evening all three leaders of the PLP gathered at church. Opposition Leader Philip Davis with Deputy Leader of the PLP Chester Cooper and Party Chairman Senator Fred Mitchell were together at St Agnes Church in Grant’s Town following evensong and benediction in memory of Carleton Williams CBE.
And, as they all prayed for the life of the soul who has gone on to his reward, the memories of the morning of May 7th, 2012 surfaced in my mind.
That was the day then former Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham had set for the General Elections and the anticipation of a massive PLP victory was everywhere.
And thus, it was in this same Cathedral Over-the-Hill in Grants Town where I joined in prayer that morning. I can see it as if it was yesterday.
Ret. Priest Fr. Rolle and Archbishop Drexel W. Gomez were committing the mass, as I vividly recall, to a packed group of morning worshipers who, in their hearts, wanted change.
For some reason, as I took a glimpse of the three leaders of the PLP tonight, that entire experience of prayer returned to me. We can do nothing without prayer in these most challenging and difficult times.
The global pandemic and the serious dangers of climate change forces us all, small and great, to look to our Problem Solver for answers. LET US ALL THEREFORE LOOK TO HIM – who will keep us all into his care as we move forward READY FOR BATTLE!
O Lord, have mercy upon us miserable offenders. Spare those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore those who are penitent; according to Your promises declared unto men in Christ Jesus our Lord. Grant that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life; to the glory of His name.