PLP wishes Renward Wells well

PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts
PLP Chairman Bradley Roberts

Bradley B. Roberts
National Chairman

Progressive Liberal Party

As in every family, there are disagreements from time to time and the Progressive Liberal Party is no different. Renward Wells has publicly indicated his differences and disagreements with the leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party over his signing of a Letter of Intent without proper authorization led to his resignation.

I find it both ironic and amusing that Mr. Wells saw it fitting to politically align himself with the same FNM members who publicly ridiculed and crucified him in the wake of the LOI. Politics indeed make for strange bedfellows.

On behalf of the Progressive Liberal Party, I wish him well in his future endevours. We harbor no ill will against the brother, we thank him for his years of service however short that time was and look forward to meeting him on the political battlefield as we all place our faith in God’s wisdom and our fate in God’s mighty and unchanging hands.