PLP woman at the United Nations in New York!

The officers and executive members of the New Providence Women’s Branch of the Progressive Liberal Party joined the Bahamian delegation led by Minister of Social Services and Community Development, Mrs. Melanie S. Griffin at the first week of the 57th Session on the Commission on the Status of Women (the “Session”) currently being held at the United Nations in New York City. The representatives of the Branch that formed a part of the Bahamian delegation was led by Chairperson – Mrs. Arinthia S. Komolafe and included Mrs. Ann Marie Davis, wife of the Deputy Prime Minister, Mrs. Jenniffer Braynen and Ms. Beverley LaRoda.
The Session’s theme for this year is the elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls in line with the United Nations theme for International Women’s Day 2013 – “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”.
On Friday the 8th March, 2013, International Women’s Day was celebrated globally. It is recorded that International Women’s Day was marked on the 18th March, 1911 for the first time globally by more than a million people. The purpose of the day was to promote equal rights for women including suffrage.
The New Providence Women’s Branch of the Progressive Liberal Party would like to see more attention given to this important day and encourages greater involvement by Bahamian women in the activities celebrating this event. While the Branch is not asking that this day be observed as a public holiday like some countries have chosen, we believe that the day should be recognised on the level of Mother’s day and Valentine’s day as is the case in other countries where men present flowers and other gifts to women in their lives to mark the day.
The Branch also believes that emphasis should be placed on and resources allocated towards fighting the menace of violence against women within our nation. It is our firm belief that greater awareness via diverse media with the involvement of stakeholders within The Bahamas is necessary to combat this ill within our society.
While we appreciate and recognise the accomplishments of women in our beloved Bahamaland at all levels of society, we maintain that there is much work to be done. Our Branch firmly believes that more women should be involved in the governance of our country at the parliamentary and executive branch levels.
It is globally accepted that social, political and economic empowerment of women is pivotal in reducing and effectively eliminating violence against women and indeed all forms of discrimination against women. In this regard, we encourage the government to continue its efforts aimed at creating equal entrepreneurial opportunities for all Bahamian in general and women in particular. We also encourage non-government and civic organisations to play their part in stemming the tide of violence against women. A vital theme that has emerged from the Session so far is the importance of involving men and boys in the process to end gender based violence. In the same vein, parents and the church must take responsibility for educating their children and congregations on this grave ill that is not only a national problem, but indeed is being seen as a global phenomenon that must be discontinued.