PLPs gagged following developments out of CUBA with former MP!


the-apolgy<<< A former PLP MP in the House delivering an apology to the Parliament following at incident during the Christie years.

Bahamas Press has learned that a former junior minister in the former PLP government is indeed arrested in Cuba. Bahamas Press learned that the former minister of the Bahamas government was also contemplating joining the Free National Movement government just days before his arrest.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Brent Symonette has failed to discuss the matter with the Cuban government. It is widely  known that the Cuban government do not discuss such matters with foreign governments. Bahamas Press has also learned that the former MP has called for assistance after speaking with a friend who returned to the Bahamas. To this day no effort to free the MP has yet come forth.

Friends of the MP have called on his family to tell him appear in the public to quell the reports of his imprisonment, but to this day not a word of reply has come from the MP who now sit in a cold Cuban jail.


  1. I don’t live under the rock. Nor are any of our other writers. We are much out there. But the fact is this, the PLP is entitled to the seat resigned by Bridgewater. But the leader cannot makeup his mind. TYPICAL CHRISTIE, And YOU NOR THE PLP CAN CHANGE THAT!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. JR :BP, you really gotta do better man. Hubert holding the keys on them seats and the PLP have him in court over it. That is public knowledge. This is really pathetic man. Just say you hate the man and call it that instead of making these far out claims. I hear Hubert won’t let Perry appoint anyone but his boy Leslie Miller. Now go report on that because that one out there too but I haven’t seen you touch that one yet.

    JR, sometimes Media makes me wonder if he lives under a rock or something.. Doesn’t he know that an appeal has been filed on those Senate seats not including that of former Senator Bridgewater…???

  3. JR :Omar, can you just take a lil time out please. I beg you. Just go and spend some alone time with the misses or something because this release really had nothing to say about anything. Well, I shouldn’t complain. At least we should be happy that the time it took for you to write this, you weren’t out doing something new to embarrass the PLP and yourself. You really should take my advice and just chill man because right now, you only causing people to wonder if you okay upstairs. Relax and go to the beach and then come back. Okay?

    JR, you are so right!! I don’t know what Omar is trying to prove or say.. There are homos/lesbians in both parties…. Fight it generally because when you start to point fingers, you can get in big trouble… Omar has good intentions but does not know how to speak without personalizing it!!

    I have told Omar before that he will get NOwhere in any party carrying on the way he does… Today he is with the PLP but I won’t be surprised if he joins another party before the next election… Omar is not stable. He thinks that everyone else is the problem, when clearly he is..

    Omar needs to stop playing with God!!! He will soon realize that he is only fooling himself if he does not stop!!!

  4. BP, you really gotta do better man. Hubert holding the keys on them seats and the PLP have him in court over it. That is public knowledge. This is really pathetic man. Just say you hate the man and call it that instead of making these far out claims. I hear Hubert won’t let Perry appoint anyone but his boy Leslie Miller. Now go report on that because that one out there too but I haven’t seen you touch that one yet.

  5. media :Call us the few Nikki, but it is obvious the majority of Bahamians agreed with us on May 2nd, 2007.
    Bahamas Press/Editor
    PS: And if you do get the chance please ask your leader why is it he cannot find the ENERGY to appoint two senators now vacant in the senate belonging to the PLP? This coming May 2 would be two years since one has been vacant. Is he selling the seat and because of the recession cannot find a buyer? Or is it because he is that ‘LAZY and INDECISIVE’ that he cannot get around to doing it? ASK CHRISTIE THAT FOR BAHAMAS PRESS PLEASE NIKKI!

    The majority of PLPs did not agree with people like you who think that PC should go… Remember it is always said that a 51% swing of the 20% who are not loyal to any party can change a govt!! And the facts clearly show that if it wasn’t for the vast majority of the Haitian-Bahamian votes going to the FNM, the PLP would still be in power!!

  6. JR please give Omar a break,this may be his way of releaving his stress.At least this may prevent him from thinking of committing suicide.In these days we need to do more listening and less talking.We are losing to many lives.So Omar write and spek your mind,because there is coming a day when you would not be able to do either.

  7. Omar, can you just take a lil time out please. I beg you. Just go and spend some alone time with the misses or something because this release really had nothing to say about anything. Well, I shouldn’t complain. At least we should be happy that the time it took for you to write this, you weren’t out doing something new to embarrass the PLP and yourself. You really should take my advice and just chill man because right now, you only causing people to wonder if you okay upstairs. Relax and go to the beach and then come back. Okay?


    Let it be known here and now with out mistake, I bow only to the demands of Holy Emmanuel. It is he who guides me and it is he whom decides my path not man. I will not sit and dwell in the midst of ungodly men. Men of Folly and immoral principles.

    Who has the courage to contact me and demand that I appear before any council? None thus far. My knees will only bow at the precious gates of Mt. Zion. I have spoken to thousands of young men like myself over the years, and we are now prepared to black the streets in protest.

    The real question is are these immoral men prepared for an all out revolution? There are far too many oppressed young men in this country who for years watched their cries for help fall upon the deaf ears of those who only during election time pretend to care. This unproductive approach much end and end now. We now live in a country where individuals have traded their bibles for number dream books, we now live in a society where adultery is as common as blades of grass, we now live in a society where it’s okay to sexually abuse and solicit our innocent children, we now live in a society where religious leaders molesting young boys and girls, we now live in a society where a young man is turned to crime because he has a seven year criminal record for a marijuana joint, we now live in a society where our children’s future depends on a government’s incompetent scale of action, we now live in society where homosexuals are imposing their sick filthy lifestyles upon the innocent, we now live in a society where Godly principles are thrown out the window, we now live in a society where prostitution is a common trait, we now live in a society where young men are being publicly humiliated by police officers and in some cases beaten to death for speaking out against injustice, we now live in a society where men of God are persecuted for standing up for what is right and just. Equal rights and justice is indeed now the order of the day and it is an ideal which I am prepared to lay my life down for without a blink.

    Fox Hill, Bain Town, Yellow Elder, Kemp Road, Nassau Village, and various other over the hill communities Men and women of God must stand up and squash this evil spirit of folly that has engulfed this beautiful nation. I will not be forced by anything and much less anyone to bow and seek council with the ungodly. My instructions comes from the east. Emmanuel is my protector, my shield in this society of evil doers. I am not afraid to voice the truth. I am not afraid to tell men of folly to leave, I am not afraid to say if God is against your behavior then so am I, I am not afraid to tell any man if he is wrong and his actions does not lend to nation building. I am not afraid to say ‘Batty Boy must run way’. I am blessed by Emmanuel’s right hand and his blessings will guide me and the tens of thousands of good christian Bahamians and neglected young men and women in this great country who support my efforts.

    Ever since I spoke out publicly against homosexuality I became public enemy number one. My father which art in heaven is pleased with me so I will fight this cause until he calls his home. It takes real guts from a real man to do what is being done, it takes real courage to stand up against mighty powers, but let it be known right here and now I fear only my creator and NEVER his created.

    I now call out to all those who have God in them and those who are sick and fed up with being used like puppets to RISE UP! and let your voices be heard from the dungeons of Fox Hill prison to the foyer of Government House. I will support my leader from now until our delegates decide otherwise. We the people will no longer be denied…we will stump out this filthy system of folly and endless corruption and retake or beautiful country. I will meet with no one unless it’s sanction by the father. Now all of you who are on your evil witch hunt, take that and smoke it in your pipes. May Emmanuel ( The God in us ) guide you all.

  9. @WOW!
    Ohhhhh WOW! You know you is the BEST! SORRY!

    But I know someone on here does be talking with Christie! WOW I did not know this was you. I gata run that ad again soon.


  10. I am looking foward to an EXCLUSIVE with Mr. Christie and Mr. Ingraham (no bias, if not then we go on to just reading this site for entertainment.

  11. Call It, look at the history of this site. Every now and then, Media goes on these rants and accuses me of being the PLP admin. He knows better though. He even knows me personally off the web.

    Look at all of my previous post and you will know I am not the PLP admin.

  12. media :Nikki if you know anything about us at Bahamas Press you would know, we are NO PRETENDERS! We do not talk polite to people we see TRAITORS, FAKES and SNITCHES in this country. Bahamas Press is REAL NEWS! NOT FAKE!
    We leave that kind of duplicitous, two-face ways to members of the WUTLESS MEDIA. We are NOT FAKERS.
    However, if you think for a minute Christie does not have his monitors watching the every minute posts on this blog, then you should call up ‘WOW’ AKA (The WUTLESS PLPadmin) and ask him to ask Christie what information you need.
    Also please ask him what happened to Christie’s LOVE AFFAIR with the online chatters? Whatever happened to that? Why is he soo afraid of yall? We know why, BECAUSE HE IS A PUSSY CAT! THAT’s WHY!

    Wow, das true???? You are the P.L.P Admin????

  13. The question is does the PLP attract these type people or does the party bring out the jack*** in everyone who becomes associated with it. I tend to think its both.

  14. Nikki if you know anything about us at Bahamas Press you would know, we are NO PRETENDERS! We do not talk polite to people we see TRAITORS, FAKES and SNITCHES in this country. Bahamas Press is REAL NEWS! NOT FAKE!

    We leave that kind of duplicitous, two-face ways to members of the WUTLESS MEDIA. We are NOT FAKERS.

    However, if you think for a minute Christie does not have his monitors watching the every minute posts on this blog, then you should call up ‘WOW’ AKA (The WUTLESS PLPadmin) and ask him to ask Christie what information you need.

    Also please ask him what happened to Christie’s LOVE AFFAIR with the online chatters? Whatever happened to that? Why is he soo afraid of yall? We know why, BECAUSE HE IS A PUSSY CAT! THAT’s WHY!


  15. To Media: Is it not your job to go out and get the facts and information for your readers? I suggest that you go to Mr. Christie in a polite way which I know you would, ask those questions of him and bring back the answer here to us. We would hope that you are our sorce of information. We would appreciate it.

  16. Canesfins :There is only 1 seat that belongs to the PLP that is vacant. The second seat only became available a few months back when the PLP won its constitutional challenge, and that seat is apopinted by the PM. Having said that, I agree, PC shoudl have immediatly appointed the successor to Bridgewater.

    You are correct! And I also believe that if Anthony Musgrove was NOT an elected F.N.M party official, like Tanya Wright he probably would have remained in the Senate!

  17. nikki :Just for the record, THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK THAT MR. PERRY CHRISTIE SHOULD GO AND THAT HE IS NOT FIT TO BE THE LEADER OF THE PLP, YOU ALL ARE ONLY “A FEW”. AND I UNDERSCORE A “FEW” 1000+ TIMES. THE “MAJORITIE OF US” PLPS WANT MR PERRY GLADSTON CHRISTIE. SO YOU “FEW” CAN RANT A RAVE AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE. THE “MAJORITY OF US” WANT HIM UNTIL THE “MAJORITY OF US” FEEL THAT HE IS NOT FIT TO LEAD US. We have OUR nack for who will come after Mr. Christie. You “FEW” will not make that decision for “US MAJORITY”.Now continue to call him what ever you like, maybe it makes you all feel better knowing that Hubert Ingraham can not walk in Mr. Christie’s shoe.

    Too bad the majority of the people in the P.L.P Party will not have the opportunity to decide Perry’s fate at convention, only a chosen “FEW” will do so! The chosen “FEW” will decide for the majority.

    I agree that Hubert can’t walk in Christie shoe. In terms of leadership abilities and decisiveness, Christie’s shoes are much too small.

  18. There is only 1 seat that belongs to the PLP that is vacant. The second seat only became available a few months back when the PLP won its constitutional challenge, and that seat is apopinted by the PM. Having said that, I agree, PC shoudl have immediatly appointed the successor to Bridgewater.

  19. Call us the few Nikki, but it is obvious the majority of Bahamians agreed with us on May 2nd, 2007.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: And if you do get the chance please ask your leader why is it he cannot find the ENERGY to appoint two senators now vacant in the senate belonging to the PLP? This coming May 2 would be two years since one has been vacant. Is he selling the seat and because of the recession cannot find a buyer? Or is it because he is that ‘LAZY and INDECISIVE’ that he cannot get around to doing it? ASK CHRISTIE THAT FOR BAHAMAS PRESS PLEASE NIKKI!

    Now continue to call him what ever you like, maybe it makes you all feel better knowing that Hubert Ingraham can not walk in Mr. Christie’s shoe.

  21. But to add to your comments Altec, when the Architect of Modern Tourism decided to step down as leader of the PLP, Sir Clement T. Maynard, Lynden Pindling moved quickly to find his successors. Pindling appointed two co-deputy leaders to act in that transition as the organization readied itself for election in 1997. Those two personalities who became co-deputy leaders were Perry Christie and B. J. Nottage.

    Pindling at the time was showing PLPs what the future of the party will look like and who will be his successors. THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL A LEADER WHO CAN MAKE DECISIONS!

    BUT here today is a POLITICAL INSTITUTION, The PLP. Who possesses a leader who is the BIGGEST ‘PUSSY CAT’ THE COUNTRY HAS EVER PRODUCED. He is scared to appoint a deputy or co-deputies now that Cynthia Pratt has decided to not run for office again. He has failed to appoint a Senator since the Supreme Court ruled that his party should have one more member in the senate. He has FAILED to appoint a senator since the departure of Pleasent Bridgewater from the Senate. And he appears to not wish to eye a possible successor to began the transition of the PLP’s leadership.

    Christie has failed this generation of PLPs and the time has COME FOR HIM TO GO! Christie is SICK, Mother Pratt is SICK and now the Party turning SICK? A 50 year old organization must know by now that the time has come to GET RID OF its FAKE ‘PUSSY CAT’ LEADER and began the process of CHANGE in this country!

    Hubert Ingraham shouted across the floor of the House of Assembly this week, “YALL CANNOT DO NOTHING WITH CHRISTIE! I HAVE HIM THERE!” And so it is.

    Bahamas Press has said this time and time again that the Problems IN THE PLP are NOT its PERSONALITIES, IT’S CHRISTIE! And when they discover that fact and accept it, they will begin to understand what HUBERT INGRAHAM warned them of during the 2007 general elections. “THEY ARE LATE AGAIN! LATE AGAIN! LATE AGAIN! LATE AGAIN! LATE-A-GINN!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. R.Pratt :
    There is a difference……unlike the PLP, the FNM seems to know how to take their mess and fights behind closed doors. It’s almost made to seems as if the PLP likes to duke it out in public. I know the PLP like to talk about transparency, but I thought they meant IN GOVERNMENT..LOL

    Hey R Pratt, the difference between the FNM and the PLP publicly fighting is simple: The FNM has the media on its side so when the FNM has its fights or problems the media plays its role and doesnt report it. When the PLP fights or if there is an impression that there is one, the media in this country cant print it fast enough. The Tribune is unashamedly FNM and the Guardian leans FNM.

    As Media points out often, the press core in this country has no spine and does little research on issues and is afraid to report stories that is damaging to the government. The only way the PLP can get around this is to go straight to the people via talk shows, webcasts, town halls etc. Like i said in my previous post, there are things PC can do to combat the beating the PLP’s image is taking but he has obviously chosen not to. I guess when the house done burn down there is no need to get water.

  23. I have absolutely no idea whether any of this is true but let me say 2 things.

    1. Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

    2. To paraphrase the words of our PM from just Wednesday in the house, “It’s a shame when news organizations act irresponsible and distribute stories using innuendo,unnamed and uncredited sources and rumors to cast a negative light on an entire organization”. (Speaking about the Tribune and their stories on the RBPF). This should hold true in all cases not just when it suits his purpose.

  24. Any nasty man who would resort to boongying another man or BOY should be locked up in a POOL FULL OF HUNGRY SHARKS…..sorry BP

  25. @Tristan
    I am not talking about the FNM, I was just responding to a post that basically said that the PLP had changed its image and its only recently it was being tarnised again. The PLP had initially given a lot of people hope that they had in fact changed when they came to power in 2002. PC talked a good talk. However, very shortly afterwards the scandals began and PC did nothing to keep that image clean. That is why they lost. All parties have their challenges, but PC is the weakest leader in the history of the Bahamas. People don’t need to make up things on the PLP they give the media and others enough stuff to talk about on a regular basis, and this aint just start.

  26. Tristan :And the FNM is FLAWLESS…LOL

    There is a difference……unlike the PLP, the FNM seems to know how to take their mess and fights behind closed doors. It’s almost made to seems as if the PLP likes to duke it out in public. I know the PLP like to talk about transparency, but I thought they meant IN GOVERNMENT..LOL

  27. What Fantisy land we are living. I cannot sit here and just go with the flow and see our people persecuted my the media or the public. That is totally wrong. Why we cant talk about what is right. I guess as long as its not about the FNM, everything is ok. Scandals apon Scandals they have had yet no one talks about them. But oh the PLP, I dont know what the PLP did to some people but my gosh, the Wutless media along with its followers themselves dont even know why they attack the PLP so. Only in The Bahamas.

  28. @Tristan
    Tristan you are misunderstanding the point i am trying to make. Most politically independent Bahamanians, dont know that Ron Pinder was considering a move to the FNM. To them he still is a PLP. Even though this was not a party mistake, the party will be judged guilty by association.

    The same thing is to be said with Obie and Pleasant. Their issues are personal, but the PLP as a party will be smeared with their guilt as well.

    This is why a good PR department is priceless. The PLP has been silent and lazy in its response to defend its IMAGE. The party worked so hard to get over the image of being corrupt in the 90’s and now they are right back where they started and its obvious that as a party they didnt learn the lesson on how to react swiftly and strongly.

    PC and other party officials should be on the talk shows as much as possible talking with the public, trying hard not to let a bad label on the party ferment in the minds of the people. There should be web videos out at every Bahamian blog of the PM dispelling any notion that his party is corrupt and that these acts by individuals who are or have been connected to the party have nothing do with the party. Image is all you have in politics.

    If the Tribune and Guardian is setting the perception, then the party needs to be out there fighting against it and that is what PC isnt doing. As a matter of fact PC is doing the opposite, he doesnt want no one to talk, probably hoping it will all just go away or worse yet, maybe PC thinks he is in a bad dream and when he wakes up this will all be over and he will still be PM.


  30. Altec, as I enjoy reading your posts at times, I cannot agree with you on this one. I dont think this individual should have anything to do with the PLP or its image. Firstly, this guy has already bin replaced by another prospective candidate where this individual once served. He can choose whom ever party he wants but he definately was not going to represent the PLP in 2012. I dont think we should link former Party members who do garbage and stain them with the PLP thats totally unfair. If we do that to the PLP then we can do that to the FNM as well. It should not be done at all. We are not patriotic in this country. Our country is Dangerously politically divided and it make us look like fools Internationally. We enjoy persecuting our own and enjoy lifting up those whom do not deserve our praise. Something is wrong in this country.

  31. Media, what is going on in the PLP right now is painful to watch. The party is disintegrating right before our eyes. And what is perplexing about this saga and the Obie situation is that its all personal issues and its affecting the party. At this rate PC will be the leader by default.

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