PLPs No Show At the Party's Fair. It Rained, Yet The Crabs Stayed Home


Members of the Progressive Liberal Party will soon discover what we at Bahamas Press have said since the inception of this blog. That being, the people of this country have not CHANGED in their support from the Free National Movement!

Have you not notice Perry Christie’s answers to matters when he was Prime Minister and Minister of Finance? Christie did not know what in the hell was happening in his own ministry? Christie also admitted that he did not know that over 30,000 policyholders at CLICO was in trouble. WELL MUDDO!

All we say is this, PLPs will soon discover what we at Bahamas Press know long, LONG ago, If Christie is leader of the PLP come next election, THE PLP WILL LOSE! LOOK AT THE ‘NO SHOW’ AT THE PLP FAIR last weekend. THIS IS FNM COUNTY MA BRUDDA! AIN’T NUTTING CHANGE!


  1. My dear Connie,

    whether we like it or not we have to “live” with it. Perhaps I should not have used the phrase in that context however, what can we do now that this party is in power? What are you suggesting? We have always “lived” with whatever politicians dished out – Foolishness and Promises most of the time. What I meant is adjust during the period of your party’s loss and lobby, campaign, etc. next time to ensure that your party wins next time. You think I am happy with what is happening to this country that most of us love so much? No I am not! but I am convinced that the people voted for the kind of governance we have today. They thought they voted for better and most of them still believe that it is. Despite all the suffering and hardship we are all experiencing today.

  2. My observation concerning the ammendment to the NIB Act is as follows. This was just a “house-keeping” exercise that should have taken about 2 hours. Since the Opposition agreed in principle and since it was understood that the next session would be for questions and debate, I wonder why it was necessary to bring up anything else except condolences for the loss in the deaths. So much more could be accomplished if both sides agreed to a certain number of speakers speaking to an issue. I know that they meet prior to each session and discuss the issue at hand. I was actually glad when the Speaker insisted Shane Gibson discontinue and sit down because he was off topic and then made a fool of himself. While Obbie Wilchcombe made a very passionate speech about the Tribune article the timing was wrong. These elected officials ,on both sides’ must stop their foolish and child-like actions and get on with the peoples’ business. Both sides throw their “jeers” and then go out for lunch or dinner as the case may be. Who do they think they are fooling!

  3. @Connie
    Well we must be watching different stations. For the most part all the PLPs do is throw jeers from their seats and when Hubert is in the House you don’t hear a sound.They look like a bunch of poor lost souls, except for maybe Glenys and Loretta who are always hurling insults at each other, behaving just like the ladies they are!!NOT!

  4. I agree with you Fern until you said “live with it” we still live in a time when policitians sometimes forget that they are supposed to be servants so I think that the Bahamian people have to begin to lobby and verbally protest somethings to remind them. Living with it is how we got in the mess that we are in now, grinning and bearing it should no longer apply with governments, let make them work hard.

    Politically I agree with you but I will tell you something that I find weird why is it that the government of the day the FNM seems to act like they are operating in the opposition all the time and the PLPs seem more “governmental”. JUst watch any session of the House of Assembly on TV you’ll see.

  5. Media, You know, I dont know if one can base support for one party or another on the number of persons attending events such as that held this past weekend at the PLP headquarters. I attend them all PLP and FNM events. My family (five adult children) are divided along party lines and I accompany and support all my children in whatever they do or whenever they go to these functions. My very best friend for more than forty years is of another party and we choose not to discuss politics to the point where we will fight (verbally). It is my belief that we should call a spade a spade no matter the colour. Perry did some foolishness when he was PM and Hubert make some hurtful decisions that would make persons from all sides angry. But what do you do? Think about that and make your X count in 2012 and whoever wins, live with it.

  6. Now I did spot Shane and Brave in the video. Can you imagine what kind of war they will have for the post of Deputy Leader. I see Obie starring in the Nassau Guardian today talking bout he gern be witness for the prosecution. Look like he switched to the Guardian now, six in one half dozen in the other!

  7. I am so ashamed for the PM who really has no idea about economics.He has been getting advice on how best to run the economy and has refused it.Now he comes into Parliament and admits that things are bad.what a moron!!!Who in Govt is doing a forecast of the economy?All of the trends for a recession were there from 2007 but Cookie monster in a style only he can understand went into reverse gear, now our economy is stuck in the sand.The gutless Cabinet has again allowed this man to run roughshod over them.And you BP Editor who is a puppet, bcos you cant see beyond your nose must confess that this Govt fumbled the ball and were only interested in misleading the USA.Bush gone now Ingraham should resign and allow the experts to formulate a plan to assist in bringing the country out of recession.I have a suggestion for Cookie monster, agree to stop receiving your pension until the storm passeth over.I refuse to hold my breath.

  8. Tell me that this is NOT what passes for good journalism in the Bahamas. People want to read stories that have some basis. You call other media sources “wutless” and “toilet paper”, but this is exactly that in my opinion. Good journalism reflects no bias. If the color someone wears at a function is more important than what they represent, it’s no wonder our country is in such turmoil. “FNM for Life?” What has HAI done for you lately? The way I see it media, if you want to esteem yourselves higher than those other sources, then at least acquire and maintain standard that can be regarded as such. Some Bahamians enjoy intellectually stimulating arguments and discussions. Every time I come here to read something, it’s always negative. And then you turn around and try to effect change. Stop spreading propaganda and try to stick to the facts. We want to be informed, that’s why we come here, but at least try to keep it straight. Stop perpetuating the cycle man!!!

  9. Man Media, you put the cuss cuffs on me so I have to think hard about what I want to get across without actually cussing. Man you could take credit because now, I’m thinking deep instead of just ripping off. I understand the point of sending these messages in what you wear but this situation is just a bit too nitpicking for me man. Nobody is going to say this one is a good leader over that one because he was wearing the right color. If they do, then we really have a problem. If Perry wears red from head to toe, it shouldn’t matter to anyone with a brain is all I’m saying.

    I saw Obama on St. Paddy’s day but that wasn’t political. Obama wears red ties and he wears blue ties all the time so that right there contradicts your argument because the GOP’s color is red and the Dems is blue. Every now and then, you’ll see him in a red AND blue tie as well. Remember the last debate with Insane McCain? Obama and grampy were both wearing red ties! I am looking at the picture right now! So only someone with too much time on their hands would be bothered that Perry wasn’t wearing yellow but to tell the truth, not much other people who on the front line were either. Brave wasn’t wearing yellow. Neither was Glenis, Peet, Leslie Miller, Shane or any of the other MPs or former MPs out there. Wait, I lie, I think Nevil the Devil had on a PLP shirt too. But other than that, it was just a causal thing and nobody seem to care that Perry was wearing his Kunta Kinta shirt. Nobody except you, that is. LOL.

  10. @JR
    Now I like that one JR. Your the BEST, “RAT’s Rectum”. I am all over my chair on that one. But on a serious note. The leader is not being what we call scientific when it comes to politics at all.

    You ever see Hubert addressing the country on a MAJOR issue and not dawned with a red necktie? Well, when you see that, you see him representing the FNM. I remember the FNMs was at a national function and every member on the governing party present had on RED necktie. Now if Perry wants to wear black as a symbol where his party is headed, then fine.

    But we say it is important to also dawn your party colours at party events. When OBAMA was wearing his green necktie on St. Patrick’s Day, you think that was just a coincidence? NO! The PLP really ain’t learn this thing yet. Politics is more than a game, its a fashion statement as well.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. This argument by BP, Media, whoever, is just plain dumb and silly and I for one don’t buy this many editors garbage. That FNM stuff is a smokescreen and BP knows just why they are trying to front like they have FNMs writing on this site. Wasn’t that the same thing Bahamas Potcake had going on supposedly? Anyway, on to this shirt scandal and BP’s fixation on it. Canesfins is right. The only people I saw wearing yellow shirts were Jerome as Canesfins pointed out and Hope Strachan. Obie had on one tired light yellow sweater but that was about it.

    Since when does wearing a shirt say anything about your ability as a leader? Nobody gives a rat’s rectum what Perry wears except Perry. Now if BP had written about how ugly that shirt is, then you may have a point, but don’t waste our time or insult our intelligence running on about what color shirt the man wore. You sound like you jealous you don’t have one ugly shirt like that too.

  12. @Fern
    To help you there Fern, Bahamas Press has several editors who do have posting privileges. We will have tomorrow an editorial meeting on that. I am glad you mentioned it.

    We all here possess a common interest to make this the most objective website there is. However I think someone is happy, we will deal with our standards internally.

    However I am sure you can see, we do present the most diverse group of writers who are committed to independence and objectivity when presenting news.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  13. BP I am concerned about your now confirming your politics on your site. You indicated “FNM fa life.” Man keep that to yourself noone need to know that then they will really say that you cannot speak (write) objectively.

    I would not go to the fair because I know of real fears of being branded especially as a cicil servant and working in the office where I work. If you are not FNM you better shut up.

  14. Bp, Who this **** you have filling in for you? What’s with this “BARF” & “BOL”…. That imposter sounds like one of those*** from that other website. If it is you BP….. then am very disipointed, all i can say is GROW UP! As for the spring fest,… i was there and it was off the chain.

  15. @canesfins
    Well I don’t want to know what Christie had on in the day. I all see is what he has on in the video. Cause If I know some a yall PLPs, soon you would be telling me what UNDERWEAR HE HAD ON…BOL! BARF!

    FNM FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!BOL!!!!!!


  16. Canesfins, BP has not learned his lesson about 2nd hand reporting. He is almost as bad as John Marquis and the rest of the wutless media, only difference is that BP attacks both sides of the political divide.

  17. Media – you are wrong. He was in a suit earlier in the day, he had 2 funerals to attend. When he returned he changed into a casual shirt. The only party official I think I saw in yellow was Jerome Fitzgerald. I wasnt even wearing yellow. Its not that big of a deal and if you are really going to formulate an opinion on the event you really should have attended it.

  18. @Drama King
    HEY Drama and guess what is the BIG JOKE, Christie did not come in RED or YELLOW SHIRT! He had a gray shirt, look at the VIDEO.. .BOL!!!!!!!! FAKE, JOKER, TRAITOR TO THE CORE..LOL!

    If I was PLP and saw that and was there I would be SHAME MYSELF!
    EVEN THE LEADER RUNNING FROM THEM. Imagine that, I gat on my greasy yellow shirt and the leader looking at me like I is a DAMN FOOL! LOL!!!!!!

    THAT’s Why The Country ALL FA HUBERT! FNM FA LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!


  19. I dont blame the PLPs for not showing. If Christie was my leader I wouldnt want to be seen at a PLP function either….lol

  20. I was there for much of the day and it was very well attended, especially in the late afternoon and into the evening.

  21. BP,

    You have time even responding to these people. They need to stop calling people’s names on this blog unless they have some proof they need to share with us.

  22. @Observer
    Ahhh well there goes another name…BOL! We guess P. Anthony White, Gorman Bannister, Fred and Earlin Williams names will soon be added. But you will never know, NEVER KNOW who running this website, that’s for sure…

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. I guess Carvel Francis will be adding another name to his “wutless” list… You guys make me laugh, talking about real news when you have your personal agendas.

  24. Russell Johnson :
    JR you are out of order by attacking the PLP Admin.who is only providing footage for scared PLPs who were not there.The video was taken during the daytime when faces could clearly be seen and bcos Mr Christie is mild mannered and not vocal enough for PLPs who are being victimised by this wutless Govt hios supporters are hiding under the bed.They only come out after dark.Remember that in Freeport many protesters used paperbafs bcos they did not want to be seen by the WEASEL who loves to victimise.I went to the gathering early and late bcos I do not care what this Govt tries to do to me now as it aint long now b4 the bell rings and thats when scared PLPs will come from under the bed.Perry Christie must either change his style or get the hell off the boat.This is still PLP country BP but the CHURCH is silent some in the OPPOSITION are scared shitless of the little short man who has a serious inferiority complex.A dangerous trait for any LEADER.I applaud those PLPs who even wore their shirts to the function,next time tell Perry to wear his or is he too afraid of HUBBIGETTY?

    Russell, I wasn’t dissing the PLP Admin. I had it in quotes because thats what BP calls him yet BP has been getting a lot of videos and articles from this same person they call wutless for this site. I was just saying it that way because its hard to call the man wutless if you using his stuff all the time.

    I know people are scared but I saw a lot of people out there when I was there, including a few who I know vote FNM. I agree with Wow too. I had to spend about ten minutes finding a space to park and this was around 2 in the afternoon! When I came back later around 5, it was worse!

  25. BP, I will call BS on this story as well. This event was well attended. I was there from 1pm until almost 12am. The PLP Admin was not there the whole time. The crowd was scattered a few times by the rain but as soon as it cleared, the people returned. The atmosphere was jubilant and spirits were high. The church service on Sunday was also well attended as Bethell Baptist was filled to capacity with persons from all level of the party.

    BP, I told you before about “second hand” reporting. Get the facts for yourself, you could have easily come out on Saturday, have an ice cold Kalik and some conchy conch fritters. Even Ortland Bodie on his show Monday was amazed by the people he saw when he passed. To quote him directly, “People talking bout the PLP dead? They should have passed Farrington Rd on Saturday, the people were all in the road. The PLP need more land and a bigger Headquarters to hold all them people.”

    Make better use of your time and space by sending condolences to Mother Pratt on the passing of her husband instead of posting rubbish and B.S.

  26. JR you are out of order by attacking the PLP Admin.who is only providing footage for scared PLPs who were not there.The video was taken during the daytime when faces could clearly be seen and bcos Mr Christie is mild mannered and not vocal enough for PLPs who are being victimised by this wutless Govt hios supporters are hiding under the bed.They only come out after dark.Remember that in Freeport many protesters used paperbafs bcos they did not want to be seen by the WEASEL who loves to victimise.I went to the gathering early and late bcos I do not care what this Govt tries to do to me now as it aint long now b4 the bell rings and thats when scared PLPs will come from under the bed.Perry Christie must either change his style or get the hell off the boat.This is still PLP country BP but the CHURCH is silent some in the OPPOSITION are scared shitless of the little short man who has a serious inferiority complex.A dangerous trait for any LEADER.I applaud those PLPs who even wore their shirts to the function,next time tell Perry to wear his or is he too afraid of HUBBIGETTY?

  27. BP, this story is pure ***. The video which was done by the “wutless PLP Admin” who you can’t seem to stop getting videos from, shows that even with the rain, the people were still there. I was at that fair for most of Saturday from the mid afternoon and into the evening and there was a steady stream of people coming and going and the crowds got even bigger after 5 when it was raining. Grow up man and stop trying to find any excuse to diss Perry. If you are going to say nobody came out, at least say it when you don’t have the video to contradict you. I heard they cleaned up on Saturday!

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