PLPs now in a fight for Elizabeth nod


christie.jpg<<< Perry Christie, Leader of the PLP.

Nassau, Bahamas — There is breaking news developing inside the Elizabeth Constituency. Sources confirmed to  Bahamas Press Perry Christie will back Jerome Fitzgerald as the candidate to contest the upcoming by-election.

Bahamas Press can now confirm a by-election will be called in the constituency in the first weeks of January. We’ve learned Justice Cheryl Albury will expire her tenure on the Bench on December 31st, making way for Malcolm Adderley to take up the post on the bench.

jeromeAdderley we can say will resign from Parliament in the early days of January and make way for a hotly contested by-election. Sources deep inside the belly of the PLP noted that a number of names have already begun flying around including Craig Butler, who has worked out of the constituency since 2007.

The source said, “Ryan Pinder is the only PLP I believe who can win the seat for the Party. His father’s connection to the area along with his ability to generate the funds needed to win puts the PLP into the position to retain the seat. However, it appears the party’s leadership is prepared to hand the seat over to a more senior member of the PLP.”

pinder_rBahamas Press has learned Fitzgerald, who serves in the Senate, is considering his options to run as the candidate for area. No comment has come from the Fitzgerald camp.

Hubert Ingraham we know has instructed contractor Floyd Wilmott, who was recently given an $8.6 million contract to build a facility at Sandilands, to hire all workers from the Elizabeth constituency.

A source in the FNM told BP, “We are going into that by-election to win and you should know Carl Bethel who cannot be seen nowhere is already on the ground.”


  1. you really make me laff johnson…ron pinder acted like a fool and was subsequently treated like one…he was made to swim in his own vomit!!! he will never try that stunt again! and hey, my deputy leader is brave!

    • “my deputy leader is brave! Are you abandoning the sinking ship of PAPA?lolo lolo at least you appear to not ber like bahamasyouth,a born loser.

  2. people in elizabeth are just like those in kennedy – they just blindlyvote for the party  and then complain afterwards…they  get just what they deserve!!!!!

    • everyone is complaining as they are not happy with having this wutless Govt in charge.Soon though other constituencies in the Bahamas will again have a choice and hopefully like you will not vote for the FNM who have really let everyone down.And by the way smart guy I hope you read the scathing report from the US Ambassador against the FNM Govt who did not have the balls to vote against oppressive regimes at the UN.Is it birds of a feather flocking together?At least I give kudos to the FNM Govt for not voting with other informed countries against their kind.And you want to condemn the PLP?The FNM is a wutless Govt who better explain to the Bahamian people why they abstained on a very important vote.Take your face out of this exterior of this wutless Govt so you can see what they have not done.America will not allow an unsuitable group of individuals to survive while mashing human rights in our own country.So take that stupid smile off your face as the Govt has been exposed for being inept,corrupt and oppressive.

      • take it easy russell johnson…america abuses human rights to…rodney king, racial profiling, cia, gitmo in cuba, waterboarding…hell, they even cut off your satellite…

        • This is so funny to hear supporters of the FNM complaining.When sir Lynden was unmercifully castigated by rthe American press you all were gleeful,when Ron Pinder was stopped from going on an aircraft he sure caught hell and you laughed.Now its the FNM govts time asnd you ask for mercy?Hell no what goes around comes around,so dont now tell me of Americas imperfections as it was always there.Go and tell your Deputy Leader to explain to the Bahamian people what and why they hid under the table at the UN and ducked out on the vote.

  3. Everybody who I know that lives in Elizabeth Estates was complaining about

    Malcolm Adderley not doing anything for the area, this time I hope whoever wins in that constituency would do right by those people. They have been neglected and mistreated for way too long. Mr. Adderley should be shame of himself, because even if there was sour vibes going on with him and the party leader, that had nothing to do with those residents who voted for him. I think it was spiteful for him to take it out on them and he should know you don’t do wrong to others and get by.

  4. Media, typical Christie, create chaos, make a decision at the last minute and lose the election. And they still want him to lead?? Gats to be joking!

  5. Well Jerome if Save Saunders is any indication it proves you can move away quit easily. Our sources are deep within the walls of the Christie Compound have informed us with this new development.

    Never take the words of BP lightly. We have sources and methods all over this country. We broke the story about the Cabinet Shuffle before it was announced. We told the country Carl ‘Undernourish’ Bethel would be FIRED!

    We broke the story about Malcolm Adderley resigning. All should know we are a 24 7 NETWORK. CNN is a joke to BP, your Bahamian AP.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. Smith, I think that you are so wrong,  I think if  the PLP or any of the third parties win this seat, it shows that the FNM are is in trouble whenever the general election is called, and that there is a chink in their armour, I think the PM should reconsider this plan, but I guess “PAPA KNOWS BEST”, but this all just a stupid game to distract Bahamians from what’s really important.

    BP, Boy Fritzzy sure called  ya’ll on this one.

  7. It is all going to be very interesting…. PLPs will first have to understand that it is theirs to loose and from what I am hearing many PLPs are like to hell with the PLP organization cause it was the organization that abandoned the area.. now they want to blame malcolm…. any how if the the FNM wins… it sends a strong message to the Perry Christie team and if the PLP wins.. well nothing changes… it is a PLP seat… But this seat is up for grabs…. many young PLP are coming our way… in Elizabeth… The FNM has been on the ground for many months now…

  8. Altec Jerome should stay in Marathon I really believe he would win in that area. AS A PROUD VOTER in the ELIZABETH Constituency… I CAN NOT WAIT.  I dont know who is running but they gats to hurry up and show me em’  to make my VOTE. This area needs a GOOD GOOD Leader we have been stuck with malcom adderley for almost a DECADE. He gats to go and quick he hasnt done NOTHINg but CAMPAIGN in this area. Ryan Pinder would be a good representative in this area I think. Im waiting to see who the FNM gat for me to COMPARE and CONTRAST. CRIME and Immigration are serious things in this area and should be addressed accordingly. Dey gat coupla Lil Haiti towns in dis area.

  9. Not sure where this story is coming from, but I have been working in Marathon for 2 years now and intend to be the standard bearer for the PLP in Marathon whenever the election is called. I agree with Altec, Ryan Pinder is an excellent candidate for Elizabeth. I hope this will put the speculation to rest… but I doubt it.

    • Jerome, i am glad to hear that as i believe the you will in all likelihood be the next MP for Marathon. You have been working that area to hard and too long. To give up and go into another constituency would be foolish.

      Keep working, the people of Marathon will reward you soon.

  10. BP, Jerome has been spreading his tent in the Marathon constituency for the last few years. He should not be given the nod in Elizabeth. You cant be all up and down Marathon laying the ground work for a run for the seat, then suddenly pick up and go into another constituency.

    If true, it means Jerome was never interested in Marathon or the people of the area. He was just looking for the easiest way to get into the HOA!

    And your source is correct about Ryan Pinder. he would be the best fit for that constituency. I pray you are wrong about Jerome on this one BP.

  11. hubert ingrtaham  has come out of Convention with blood in his eyes!!! i mean everything is being rolled out now…courts, judges, magistrates, straw market, roads, new commissioner, new commordore, firings of customs, police and anyone who has to go…while he is no favourite, he has  outsmarted everyone here…hate him or love him, he is  a brilliant politician…malcolm adderley going to church w/de FNM..well muddo take sik…LOL 

  12. Meanwhile, Mr. Malcolm Adderley and The Free National Movement Elizabeth Association Is Inviting All Person To Its Bi-Annual Church Service. Christian Life Church, Pine Yard Road At 10:00 a.m. The Senior Pastor Is Pastor Jay Simms. Also In Attendence Will Be The National Chairman The Hon. Carl Bethel M.P. and Vice Chairman Sen. The Hon. Jacinta Higgs.

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