PM Davis: It was wonderful to be with Grand Bahama last night. I know that for many of you, this time of year is especially difficult. That you were able to come to this place to worship and sing together, speaks of your courage, your faith and your ability to move forward, despite great tragedy and hardship. Although grief can be so lonely, it is important to know that you are not alone.
Your fellow Bahamians, throughout our islands, are with you. As we sing and pray during this time of remembrance, Grand Bahamians and Abaconians are front and centre in our thoughts.
We know it is not an easy journey, from anger and pain over of the loss of loved ones, to gratitude for their lives, for the time you had together. It is essential that the national response is driven by compassion.
There is so much to do. We need to support you in getting the answers you need for closure. At the same time, there is so much work ahead to rebuild. We have changed the law, so that you can more quickly settle insurance, banking and other commercial claims. We have just launched a revamped Homeowner Assistance and Relief Programme, to provide urgent help to people, and do away with the chaos, confusion and unnecessary bureaucracy which came before.
Assessments under the new HARP programme will begin here in Grand Bahama in two weeks. If you haven’t applied or haven’t received a response to a previous application, we invite you to visit dra.gov.bs or contact the DRA’s offices. Beautiful Grand Bahama, under Minister Moxey’s leadership, is employing Grand Bahamians and cleaning up homes and neighborhoods and transforming communities.It has been a source of inspiration to see Grand Bahamians coming together to do the hard but essential work of revitalizing your beautiful island.
I pray that your souls are blessed and soothed by last night’s concert, which features some of Grand Bahamas’ greatest gospel singers. May the Lord bless you, your families and friends, and all the people of Grand Bahama.