PLP Viceroy Cooper to gather PLPs in Southern New Providence at the Golden Gates Meeting TONIGHT at Sybil Strachan Primary – IT AIN’T LONG NAH!

NASSAU| Bahamas Press is learning tonight that Prime Minister Philip Davis’ Progressive Liberal Party is now in the final stages of fine tuning its General Election plans and is set to launch a re-election bid to the People.
Tonight, as the generals of the Party gathered in Fox Hill, they were put on High Alert that the party is set to kick-off its General Elections Campaign this coming June 6th – Labour Day.
Prime Minister Davis last year placed PLPs on high alert stating that the Party was moving into the Election Watch Season.
Well, tonight the sounds of Davis’ Election bells got closer after PLP National Chairman Fred Mitchell told those gathered that the Party will launch its Re-Election Bid this coming June 2025. Energy and Transport Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis was on hand at tonight’s meeting to sound the alarm that PLPs must get ready.
A big meeting is being organized for tonight (Tuesday, 25th March, 2025) at 6:30pm at the Sybil Strachan Primary School in Golden Gates where PLP Viceroy and Deputy Leader I. Chester Cooper will rally troops in the Southern corridor. It ain’t long nah!