PM Minnis cannot tell the truth anymore! Why did he Lie About Baha Mar Being FAKE?

PM Minnis along with Baha Mar executives as they signed phase II.

NASSAU| You know LIARS are NEVER TO BE TRUSTED! No matter what they tell you or what gimmick they throw out – DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!

This is the case now with the sitting Prime Minister Hubert Minnis. He is dishonest, cannot be trusted and is a DAMN LIAR!

His campaign in 2017 promised the Bahamian People to deliver a real deal at Baha Mar. At the time he said the Baha Mar opening was a “FAKE SALE”! A lie that was repeated by his Tourism Minister.

This writer cannot deal with LIARS! Yesterday, here was PM Minnis sitting there with the operators of Baha Mar closing the Heads of Agreement for Baha Mar Phase II: a $300 million investment to create 1,000 more jobs.

So Baha Mar wasn’t fake after all! But we now know Hubert Minnis does LIE!

We report yinner decide!