Some 200 healthcare workers are still out in isolation and the government refuses to call for Cuban medical assistance!

NASSAU| PM Hubert Minnis will seek to increase the fines of persons breaking the curfew rules, which authorities claim are being broken deep in the heartland communities.
The idea is that, with stiffer fines and imprisonment threats, persons will not violate the lockdown rules and will be less inclined to gather to cause further community spread of COVID-19. But this theory is flawed!
Both the Competent Authority [PM MINNIS] and his advisors are wrong in their approach to combat COVID-19.
Much of the community spread has occurred in healthcare facilities where doctors failed to adhere to protocols early at the start of the pandemic. Recently a Sandilands patient infected several persons on a ward at PMH sending scores of doctors and nurses into isolation for the next 14 days. A community LOCKDOWN in the community is not the solution here! Healthcare should have screened the patient coming into the hospital and should have long stopped visiting times at the facility.
In fact, another healthcare worker infected a patient in a dialysis unit at a private facility and that patient died while and others were infected. What are the protocols for such workers in these cases?
The truth is the lackluster, inadequate and poor COVID-19 management has been botched and bungled by two doctors, who failed to raise the standards and were late in taking the advice regarding the need to increase testing across hotspots. A LOCKDOWNS and fines are not the real solutions here!
The Elizabeth Estates Clinic was also an outbreak that forced scores of healthcare workers to be thrown into isolation. Again, how could they not see this coming in a global pandemic?
But here’s the bigger problem: persons who are supposed to be in isolation are out and about, threatening the community, up and down in the food store shopping with healthy people on the long contaminated grocery lines. THIS IS THE PROBLEM! Where are the tracking systems needed to control such activities by individuals in isolation?
Everyone read the story of how a person on isolation exposed by the virus was in Wendy’s working as normal. How did healthcare officials fumble the ball on this incident? Who is tracking these persons?
More than 200 health officials are right now in isolation after some breach occurred in a health facility somewhere in the country. We long talked about the medical facility in Centreville and look how long it took before that was dealt with?
We at BP asked from March asked what happened to Ruby Bowe, who was also a patient at Sandilands, who mysteriously died after exhibiting symptoms of COVID19. She was never tested or listed in any COVID-19 count! What kind of community spread may have occurred at that health facility? But the COMPETENT AUTHORITY wants to fine us as if that is some solution to the crisis?!
The government is shortsighted in its approach to fighting COVID-19 and the advisors to the COMPETENT AUTHORITY are a national joke!
How can locking citizens down with higher fines be the solution when right in PMH an entire ward is getting infected because rules are not being adhered to at that premier healthcare facility?
Mannnn, Minnis, get it together and come up with a real strategy – AND FIRE YA DAMN ADVISORS!
We report yinner decide!