The Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) Paediatric Emergency Team advises that there has been a sharp rise in respiratory illnesses in our community over the last few months since schools have reopened.
These illnesses present with fever, cough, and runny nose. These symptoms are usually mild and are easily addressed by a primary care physician in an office or clinic
setting.Newborn infants (birth to 6 weeks) or children in respiratory distress should receive care in an Emergency Department setting.
Signs of respiratory distress include rapid breathing, inability to speak, inability to drink liquids, uncontrollable cough, or wheezing.
If your child has had fever for more than five (5) days of 101.5 Fahrenheit (38.6 Celsius) or higher, please seek medical attention. If your newborn presents with a temperature of 100.4 F or 38 C or higher, please seek medical attention.
The public is encouraged to follow all updates, advisories, and announcements from the Ministry of Health & Wellness and the Public Hospitals Authority for further information regarding health services.