Police found stolen items during a raid at lawyer Elierzer Regnier's home


mag_protest_nvilg<<< Attorney Eliezer Regnier at a protest downtown following the magistrate’s refusal to release four Haitian nationals involved in the Nassau Village riot in 2005.

Nassau, Bahamas — Attorney Eliezer Regnier of Regnier Eliezer & Co is that lawyer who will be arraigned before a magistrate this afternoon for possession of stolen items.

Bahamas Press has learned that over the weekend, police raided the lawyer’s western New Providence home and discovered cash loads of stolen items inside. The items included: Breitling watches, Gold Rolex and Cartier watches, tons of jewelry, diamonds and jems. Police also found inside one area of the home scores of flat screen TV sets [LG and Panasonic models]. Computers, cameras, home appliances and electrical supplies, Regnier had it all.

BP’s deep throat on the Royal Bahamas Police Force just minutes ago confirmed that Regnier’s home looked like a of cave of lost treasures. “One room in the house was stock to the ceiling with stolen property, it must be the largest bust of stolen items we’ve see ever in the country’s history!”

Regnier is a Bahamian, who emigrated from Haiti at age 6 with his parents. His roots lay deep inside the mountains of Haiti with one suggesting connections with the Haitian government. Police believe the items were about to be shipmented to Haiti for sale in several shops owned by Regnier in Por-au-Prince.

Police held his wife, daughter and son at the beginning of their investigations, however, they were all later released. In a 2003 interview with Cox News reporter, Gary Kane, Regnier said, “[Haitians] come to The Bahamas because it is better than Haiti economically.”


  1. Looking at him you could see he think he is daddy cool; I would not be surprise if he is a pimp too. He better thank God the law is not in my hands, because as soon as I burst in that room and caught him with them people DVD, 32 inch flat screen TV, microwave and washer machine and he can’t show me no receipt for them, his behind was going straight to jail and what was going to make me extra mad is when I find out he is a lawyer too, oh boy, he just know he could kiss the daylight goodbye.

  2. Man I see you guys have conveniently zoomed this picture in, so as not to show who this lawyer standing with. Your’ll got plenty jokes

  3. Guys, you have already convicted this man. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? If, at the appointed time he is unable to give an account as to where those items came from, then they can bury his *** under Fox Hell Prison.

  4. So he helped others I see but he was also helping himself to others properties, he is the worst of the lot as he should know better…he should get the maximum sentence for this

  5. Danny :
    i know this man and he helps lots of people. Many times he allows his clients to pay him with gifts.

    Well it looks like plenty of his clients been paying him with “gifts.”

  6. Being avictim of a housebreaking it is so difficult to get your loved young ones to return to their rooms.I do not care who,what onc e found guilty then off to jail you go.I refuse to have compassion for anyone who steals goes to the Police Station to represent someone and when you are searched is found to be wearing stolen property.Shame,shame.I admonish the Govt. to get the Court system operating effectively and not just push your known supporters in positions to influence our lives.Govern for the good of all Bahamians.

  7. JT :I don’t know anything about this man’s history, but I will say this. It is commendable that he fought for the rights of others. I have the utmost respect for people that act in selfless ways. We need more of that. However, my home was broken into last year, and my home was cleaned out. Am I to have pity on someone who steals from others just because he defended the rights of others? No! Don’t try to make this anything but what it is. He was in possession of stolen goods and if it was anyone else, he would have been or should have penalized. Bahamian or Haitian or whatever. People are struggling to make ends meet, and you have others just violating their homes and taking their property. As a lawyer, he should be better off than most. As a lawyer, he should well versed on the punishment that comes with committing crimes. SO PUNISH HIM!!!

    JT you better go see if any of those things that police recovered in the raid were not any of the items that were stolen from your home last year….lol… I am really sorry to hear your home was broken into last year. You are right though, we should not allow people with twisted motives to side track us, by making this a topic about discrimination. We need to focus on the real issue at hand by question why this lawyer had all those stolen goods in his possession. Wrong is wrong nobody should be treated as if they are approve the law regardless of their nationality. What is so sickening about all of this is he is a lawyer and an old white head one at that, you would think he suppose to know better. I hope our police lock him up in the deepest darkest hole they could find to put him in. He too stupid, he had good paying job and now he gone and get himself mixed up in foolishness. Then you have people coming up on here talking crap about how he used to help people. How are we suppose to know if those person he was defending was not his partners in crimes and the only reason he defended them was to protect his own interest? Right now, anything seems possible. He must be crooked somebody out of some of the monies and they intentionally tipped him off to the police. I would like to see him defend himself out of this one. This should be very interesting.

  8. I don’t know anything about this man’s history, but I will say this. It is commendable that he fought for the rights of others. I have the utmost respect for people that act in selfless ways. We need more of that. However, my home was broken into last year, and my home was cleaned out. Am I to have pity on someone who steals from others just because he defended the rights of others? No! Don’t try to make this anything but what it is. He was in possession of stolen goods and if it was anyone else, he would have been or should have penalized. Bahamian or Haitian or whatever. People are struggling to make ends meet, and you have others just violating their homes and taking their property. As a lawyer, he should be better off than most. As a lawyer, he should well versed on the punishment that comes with committing crimes. SO PUNISH HIM!!!

  9. padeco :Bahamians and Haitians are of one family, we need to know history a group of African slaves left Africa at the same time from the same place, one set was left in Haiti to other was brought to the Bahamas the set that were brought to the Bahamas, were the lucky ones. These people are family so watch how you treat your brothers and sisters.

    I think sometimes people forget that the world is one big family, because all of us are descendants of Adam and Eve. We just happen to be separated in different parts of the world

  10. i know this man and he helps lots of people. Many times he allows his clients to pay him with gifts.

  11. Bahamians and Haitians are of one family, we need to know history a group of African slaves left Africa at the same time from the same place, one set was left in Haiti to other was brought to the Bahamas the set that were brought to the Bahamas, were the lucky ones. These people are family so watch how you treat your brothers and sisters.

  12. media :Boy this is a time, when it ain’t the police going to jail, its the priest. and when its ain’t the priest its that Bishop. And when it ain’t the Bishop its the Lawyer. Every body doing the Bank Lane shuffle.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    That just goes to show nobody is above suspicion.

  13. Boy this is a time, when it ain’t the police going to jail, its the priest. and when its ain’t the priest its that Bishop. And when it ain’t the Bishop its the Lawyer. Every body doing the Bank Lane shuffle.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  14. @Dibbles
    before you start pointing fingers please find out your facts because when i was being held with all members of my family even my 15 year old sister whom was arrested i am sure that you wanst there. So before trying to damage someone who fights for human rights both Haitian and Bahamian. Learn something instead of pointing these fingers.

    • And to clear it up, we ain’t taking no sides attacking no CONSTRUCT of Haitian/Bahamian, cause we don’t believe in that division of cultures.

      BUT TO THIEF IS ANOTHER THING. There are Haitian THIEVES and Bahamian THIEVES. In fact this writer believes there are more Bahamians thieves in this country than any other culture! That aside, Bahamians, HAITIANS, AMERICANS and every place else HATE THIEVES!



  15. Kingson u would think people who break the law would be put in jail——but in the Bahamas it depends on who u r in some cases. Ive emailed your police dept in Nassau about a particular person and they have done nothing———and I dont think rape is something to take lightly.

  16. before you make comments on what is posted in the press make sure that the facts are ture. This man has been fight for civil rights of not only Haitians but also Bahamians and it is seen arround this island. I really hate the fact that you people are taking this story the wrong way and maybe you should try and spend time for something that is not true, am sure it wont be pretty. This story brought only stress and pain to this family and before you try and find out the real facts you are all about pointing fingers, let it happen to your family and see where you shall stand. and please if you wish you comment to this i am by all means willing to publish the true story for i was there and i know what really went down and my family will not accpet these remarks made by people who dont even know their own history. And i am also Bahamian by the way and i have document to prove this. As my step father fights for the right of people so do i but it hurts to see the people your fightiung for turn their backs on you, but what doesnt kill you shall make you stronger.

    p.s Dibbles how would you feel if i said that about one of your family members. We all need to realize the true meaning of life and grow up from the pointing fingers and playing the blame game. And if he goes to H.M.P then so shall i for i never not one day saw him treat any man unfair, and to thinks this is his reward for years of survice to this nation.

    • Well look who we have joining us tonight, one of ALI BABA’s 40 thieves! BIG AND BOLD ON BP, now this is something ech? How in the hell my auntie TV get in ya DAMN HOUSE!? How you explain DAT? HOW IN THE HELL MY SISTER JEWELLERY END UP IN YINNER HOUSE? HOW, EXPLAIN? See let me calm down. And ya coming in here talking about what we write?

      You CRAZY ECH?


  17. media :Well folkes your Bahamas Press has the story on the missing boys who returned home mysteriously yesterday. NOW THIS IS SHOCKING! But once again, ONLY BP will have it. Stay tuned for this update.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Media I don’t know where those two boys that were missing been, but my mind keep telling me they were not in the bush surviving of berries and coco plums the whole time. I can’t wait to hear your update.

  18. Thanks Padeco. I am tired how we treat people as if we are so perfect God aint please with how we treat those who are less fortunate that us. We are all God’s Children all made in the image and likeness of him.

  19. Let’s not put our foot in our mouths there are Haitians among who deserve respect. I know of many decent business of Haitian decent in our community. Do Bahamians know that the first black man who had the nerve to fight white boys and entered the House of Assembly was HIATIAN STEPHEN DILLET. THE SCHOOL ON WULFF BEARS HIS NAME.

    Also the Bahamian who wrote the much talk about NEGRO NATIONAL ANTHEM is of Haitian decent. there many more good stories can be said about Haitians. Not all are bad.

  20. We shouldn brand Haitians. cuz lately we have been just as bad. Anyone who lives here who breaks the law will be punished but we must also be greatful for those who have come here and contributed to the development of this country. Haitians included.

  21. Well folkes your Bahamas Press has the story on the missing boys who returned home mysteriously yesterday. NOW THIS IS SHOCKING! But once again, ONLY BP will have it. Stay tuned for this update.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  22. This is a disgrace. An attorney no less….he should be punished to the full extent of the law. He knew better. The people stealing were probably stealing for him, as it seems as though his house was a warehouse. This disgusts me!!!

  23. OK so JT ma is trying to say that Haitians will never change well then in that case plz take christine amertil and micheal matthieu of the olympic team. I wonder if other people said the same thing about Bahamians when that Laroda guy went around scamming people? Stop branding people

  24. You can rest assured that most of these robbers are from the Shanty Towns that the Police and immigration department refuses to deal with.

  25. How deep do these housebreaking rings go?It is always suspicious when property stolen cannot be found now we know why.The practice of Haitian vessels leaving the Bahamas must promptly cease as searches must be made of all of these vessels.I am so terribly ashamed of Regnier as I felt he had been fully indoctrinated as a Bahamain.Now fellow bloggers watch for the delay in getting him to trial within a specified period.Lawyers watch out for each other and dont have the guts to send one to jail.Shame shame shame.

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