Police hands tied as another murder occurs in Bain Town this morning


Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is reporting another early morning shooting, which has left another resident dead in the yard of his home.

BP reports sometime around 4:08 am this morning a distress call came into the police control room requesting police assistance to a fatal shooting in the Park Street area of Bain Town.

A vehicle parked just outside the victim’s home, was where a corpse identified by neighbours as being that of Fidel Miller.

Miller according to family members had just reached home from his weekend outings, and had come inside the home when he forgot something and returned back to his car. It was then when he returned to his car, according to family members, that loud gunshots were heard and there inside his vehicle his lifeless body lay.

Residents in the community poured onto the streets near the crime scene some pointing while others made loud screams in distress.

Police we are told took three long hours before they arrived to begin processing the crime scene, which delayed undertakers from removing the man’s body.

“How long must a nation be held hostage by this prolonged violence that has ripped the chest of our country wide open? We are being drowned in blood; we are witnessing the GREAT SLAUGHTER of our sons and daughters right before our eyes, which are leaving pains in the bone of our communities.

“Love ones gunned down in cold blood, while justice is hijacked in this society. Tommy Turnquest the ‘minister of incompetence’ has witnessed this bloodshed and to our surprise he claims “Crime is Under Control”. He should tell us this and all other incidents of friendly fire, and then we may believe him. We are lost and are in need of New Direction,” an educator in the area said.

BP reports this latest incident is the 239th murder in the country since 2009. Police we are told are again seeking the public’s assistance. They have no leads, no trace, no suspects and no eyewitnesses.

We are losing our country once again to Pirates!


  1. As a side to this debate, I recently read somewhere that due to the so called cosmic allignments taking place which culminates in latter part of 2012, that black ppl are being negatively affected, turning them into criminally inclined mindless dumbarses.

    Maybe Tommy can use this to excuse his failure to tackle crime. Cus, really how can anyone combat the cosmic forces, wow, its asking a bit toooo much.

  2. but yet they keep doin their shuffel playing with the people money giving increases to teachers when the national grade level is poor take the money increase police force the regular force or reserve and also they need to get rid of those officers what been on the force for over twenty years and still only corpral or constable it shows they only their to collect the public funds no effort to improve their rank just their harassing their bosses which are the people of this country for a cold drink or some money for lunch

  3. this is why we must vote for people with compassion for same reason this don’t care fnm government ain’t wort **** they lost and y’all know what ya do with a tree that can not bare.. ing-rum don’t wanna diss tommy while we suffer i could see perry calling meeting and consulting if this was on his watch. they say people killing people they know. so it’s ok they close down urban renewal. take police out school. f. the police force up. y’all can’t tell me this man don’t wanna see this country go to the dogs. where there’s no leadership the people will perish…

  4. I saw and heard some BIG TIME fnms and rev.HALL blamed DRUG SMUGGLING AND CRIME on LYNDEN OSCAR PINDLING during the 1980s but these SAME individuals are now claiming that crime is NOT a POLITICAL ISSUE.It seems that only two things Bahamians can be sure of now,there are-more murders and C&W LOSING MONEY.C&W JAMAICA(LIME)LOST SOME 6 BILLION JAMAICAN DOLLARS FOR THEIR FINANCIAL YEAR WHICH END 31,MARCH,2011.

  5. Tommy can’t be that stupid to believe crime is in under control, the only reason I could see him saying that is he may be thinking about the repercussions it would have on the country from a international stand point, with tourism being our number one industry in all. As the Minister of National Security, he doesn’t want to admit that crime is a problem openly and he’s totally clueless, that would really be putting the icing on cake, that would be like him admitting that he has no control over the problem and that he’s an incompetent Minister of National Security, who would want to come here after that? Whether he admits it or not, we could see crime is out of control and the sad thing about all of this, Tommy never had any solutions, things have gotten much worst under his watch. I can recall his attacks on Cynthia “Mother” Pratt when she was the minister for National Security, now, we could see he was only talks and would have said anything to get into power. Let’s move on, Tommy already swung us big time, now it’s time to learn from this experience, that anybody could promise you anything to get into power, but unless they could show you how they intend to carry out their plans, don’t fall for these politicians who only looking for meal tickets for themselves, their families, sweethearts and persons with special interest. Tommy just another smooth talker, with sugar on his tongue, he aint never had a clue. D*mn! All our monies going to purchase crime scene tape.

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