Police needs to change its programme against law breakers!


Dear Editor,

The notice by police that 72 drivers were ticketed is good to hear but this needs to happen as a matter of course – everyday! Plus nobody needs to hear about it.

The public will feel it. The police do too much lip service and PR on everything – WHY? You know, BP, policing is a real joke in the Bahamas.

They drive around with their emergency lights on. What is that about? The element of surprise is lost! They hold roadblocks only when the thugs commit murder.

They come out with speed guns when too many people die in accidents and they come out near the end of the month when car licenses expire. They are too predictable!

The public-at-large doesn’t respect them. I’m gonna be 50 next year and it’s the same old ting for a half a century.


S. Taylor