Police now wants former FNM MP husband! Money Rip-offs at NIB


ing-2.jpg<<< Public money at National Insurance Board are being SQUANDERED! Millions are being pumped into contracts, which are not tendered. Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is current Minister with portfolio for NIB.

Nassau, Bahamas — Some people try all they could to get rich quick while others die trying. Whatever the case, breaking news coming out of the National Insurance Board tell us all in not well at the Board and its minister, Hubert Ingraham, could find political fallout if he fails to look into the happenings at the Sir Clifford Darling Complex.

National Insurance Director, Algernon Cargill, informed members of the press recently of crimes whereby members of the public have defrauded NIB. He charged that persons were receiving the unemployment benefit cheques while still employed. HOW STUPID COULD A CRIMINAL MIND BE? Since Algernon’s announcement we’ve seen persons handcuffed and dragged before the courts on Nassau Street. But there is more to this.

f1-housing-minister-largeBahamas Press as you know is a firm believer of Derek Walcott’s words in his landmark play, Ti’ Jean and his Brothers, where he suggests, the DEVIL has ‘Invented Justice’. Walcott’s line is a serious truth.

Your Bahamas Press has scaled the walls at NIB headquarters and began searching files in the ‘troubled’ institution and what we’ve uncovered is indeed SHOCKING!

While NIB is ready to lock away small persons and person opposed to Ingraham’s government, we’ve learned the Board, the Minister [Hubert Ingraham] and the Director of NIB has been breaking the law themselves and will now be tried before the court of public opinion right here on Bahamas Press. Here what we know.

A warrant of arrest has been issued in a Nassau court for the husband of Juannianne Dorsett, Porky Dorsett. Juannianne you would remember was the former FNM MP for the Fox Hill community before totting a royal cut-you-know-what form current MP Fred Mitchell in the 2002 elections. How is it the WUTLESS MEDIA has yet to report this?

bethelcarlfnmconv09Porky, according to files scanned by BP, received a handsome contract from NIB recently in the thousands. The contract we now know was awarded to him by NIB; despite the fact his employees’ contributions with the Board were not current. We now know while Porky were issued contracts after contract by NIB, papers by the legal department were processing to put him before the court for failing to pay the Board. The department did not get the memo.

When Porky’s name was called before magistrate to answer charges for his failing to pay NIB contributions, he never appeared, and thus, the magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.

Readers of BP would know it is the government’s policy not to award a contract to companies with outstanding NIB contributions. Therefore, what was it, which qualified Porky his contracts with NIB, the very entity, which rejects persons applying for government contracts? How did Porky beat the system? Could it be his RED colours and FNM associations? We’ll never know.

Our deep throat in NIB tells us, while Porky failed to appear before magistrate to answer his charge, the Board and other departments issued him more contracts, against government policy protocols. But this is not all.

We also know Porky was paid mobilization fees for a contract valued at $300,000  with the ministry of education for some upgrades to its building. The building with MOLD was financed by NIB funds. We now know despite the fact mobilization fees were paid, no work was ever carried out on the new building on Thompson Blvd. Bahamas Press wonders where did the money paid to Porky GO?

Could you imagine, if Prime Minister Ingraham is so asleep at the whee, with all this occurring under his nose, could you imagine what is taking place in other government entities?

Bahamas Press continues its look into NIB at 12 PM today. MORE TO COME!!!


  1. Bahamas Press can not only confirm Porky was granted the contract at NIB, but was also awarded mobilization fees for a contract for the Ministry of Education building.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. Laing denies Gibson’s NIB contract claims

    By BRENT DEAN ~ Guardian Senior Reporter ~ brentldean@nasguard.com:

    Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP for Golden Gates Shane Gibson has accused the government of granting a contract at the Ministry of Education to the husband of a former Free National Movement (FNM) MP when he owed money to the agency for failing to pay contributions.

    However, Minister of State for Finance Zhivargo Laing has denied that any such contract was awarded.

    In the House of Assembly on Wednesday, Gibson said that Bernard ‘Porky’ Dorsett was awarded a $300,000 paving contract by NIB while owing the agency for unpaid contributions.

    Dorsett is the husband of Juanianne Dorsett. She was the FNM MP for the Fox Hill constituency from 1997 to 2002.

    Gibson charged that the alleged contract was granted in breach of the government’s policy not to award work to individuals or firms that owe NIB money.

    “Now how is it that somebody who has outstanding monies for National Insurance could get a contract from National Insurance?” asked Gibson.

    The Ministry of Education building at Thompson Boulevard is owned by NIB.

    Dorsett appeared in Magistrates’ Court last month as a result of unpaid NIB contributions.

    Gibson further charged that Dorsett was mobilized, but refused to start the contract.

    Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is the minister responsible for NIB. Laing, Ingraham’s junior finance minister, answered the allegation in the House after Gibson’s contribution.

    “I am advised that the National Insurance Board did in fact agree to award ‘Porky’ Dorsett with a contract, but came to recognize that he did not have his National Insurance payments up to date and indicated to him that if he brought it up to date that they would issue the contract to him. He never did,” said Laing.

    “They never issued the contract to him. That was over seven months ago. He has no contract with the National Insurance Board.”

    Before Laing answered the charge, Gibson said he had more ‘information’ on the issue but when he disclosed this type of information in the House previously, employees of NIB were fired.

    “That is also denied by the National Insurance Board,” Laing said.

    NIB has led a public campaign in recent months to go after those who owe money to the agency. As a result, numerous businesspeople have been brought before the courts for failure to pay NIB contributions.

    Friday, November 20, 2009

  3. Kenneth Russell and the Chairman were in a rush to rid NIB of the former Director and anyone loyal to him, for a political favor involving cabinet approval on an Insurance issue. However the new Director has flooded the Board with unnecessary consultants on contract. While doing nothing but pimping to him from all angles, while enriching their pockets. The PM has also followed suit, by placing two SIB men in the Facilities Dept with no knowledege in that field.

  4. Does anyone have any idea what Iram does or is supposed to be qualified to do. Please no graphic descriptions of any obvious skills!!!

  5. The facts are the facts. The part about efficiency i don’t know but they were definitely roommates and he was his best man. The other fellow named in his divorce is reportedly close to them as well. That of course does not explain the other senior man who paid school fees for the former PLP MP who just got married, apparently roaching the present PLP MP who used to take care of the former MP. Yes BP should look into all these “connections at the hip”

  6. BAHANGR :
    Well those who know HAI say that he is legendary for paying for nookie. Its a new twist for a Joe to pay the woman through her husband!! but thats slick and a good method especially when she been giving it up for free for years anyway; and to Tom, Tom Dick and Harry. Whereas I really don’t have a problem with a fellow paying for what he wants, I definitely have a problem with paying when I as a taxpayer don’t even get a smell!!!!Or you think HAI paying for posterior benefits? Well I know he had a gay room mate for some years and it is my personal belief that no straight man will live with a known gay man. That gay man was elevated to a very senior civil service position in control of significant national assets even after he was involved in questionnable dealings with the assets of a financial services company. It was beleived then that he spent significant sums of the company’s money on his verry handsome mango skin, married gay employee.

    media :
    Bahamas Press must begin to look deeper into this story. Are we suggesting here both Hubert Ingraham and Kenneth Russell could be linked for doing the same thing; USING PUBLIC MONEY for their CARNAL DELIGHTS?


    Yall aint easy, BOL!

  7. vat youll hinting at hanky panky all cock and no hen i slow so i tryin to figure dis von out

  8. LOL…it never stops!!! and what is all of this stuff about men shacking up with each other…LOL>>LAWDY!!

  9. Bahamas Press must begin to look deeper into this story. Are we suggesting here both Hubert Ingraham and Kenneth Russell could be linked for doing the same thing; USING PUBLIC MONEY for their CARNAL DELIGHTS?



  10. BAHANGR :Well those who know HAI say that he is legendary for paying for nookie. Its a new twist for a Joe to pay the woman through her husband!! but thats slick and a good method especially when she been giving it up for free for years anyway; and to Tom, Tom Dick and Harry. Whereas I really don’t have a problem with a fellow paying for what he wants, I definitely have a problem with paying when I as a taxpayer don’t even get a smell!!!!Or you think HAI paying for posterior benefits? Well I know he had a gay room mate for some years and it is my personal belief that no straight man will live with a known gay man. That gay man was elevated to a very senior civil service position in control of significant national assets even after he was involved in questionnable dealings with the assets of a financial services company. It was beleived then that he spent significant sums of the company’s money on his verry handsome mango skin, married gay employee.

    I heard him and the former insurance fella shared an efficiency. I believe an efficiency has only one room and maybe one bed. I believe he was the fella’s best man as well. What a world we live in. The fella I believe works in the Ministry headed by the PM and is only two floors down.

  11. Well those who know HAI say that he is legendary for paying for nookie. Its a new twist for a Joe to pay the woman through her husband!! but thats slick and a good method especially when she been giving it up for free for years anyway; and to Tom, Tom Dick and Harry. Whereas I really don’t have a problem with a fellow paying for what he wants, I definitely have a problem with paying when I as a taxpayer don’t even get a smell!!!!Or you think HAI paying for posterior benefits? Well I know he had a gay room mate for some years and it is my personal belief that no straight man will live with a known gay man. That gay man was elevated to a very senior civil service position in control of significant national assets even after he was involved in questionnable dealings with the assets of a financial services company. It was beleived then that he spent significant sums of the company’s money on his verry handsome mango skin, married gay employee.

  12. Oh my Lord I thought as some say here only PLP supporters are crooks.Only FNMs going to heaven heh?HAI said at his installation banquet that PLPs will also get jobs so obviously some crooks in the FNM wanted to hog up more of everything.I give HAI credit for making that statement as he spoke as PM and not as FNM Leader.Sometimes he has it and other times he acts like PAPA(see my other quote or ask bahamasyouth what I mean).

  13. Word is that he defaulted on a LARGE loan at The Bahamas Development Bank. He refused to pay after it was discovered that he was about to be GIVEN hundreds of acres of Abaco Farm Land, which the PLP uncovered and stopped. Portky vex bad!!! He ran a FAILED pig farm on a part of the land so he could qualify as a FARMER.


    Porky Dorsett also owes BAIC over $1 million for farm in Abaco. Judgement by Supreme Court last summer.

  15. WE know they’re crooks. It ain long now before their whole scheme comes into the light…BAHAMAS, WE ARE GETTING ROBBED WITH OUR EYES OPEN. When I speak, it’s because I KNOW. I hope someone looks even further into this and maybe sometime soon BP I’ll let you know what else you should look into.

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