Police officer to be charged for Carey’s Murder


<<< Murder victim #115 is 21 year-old George Carey.

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking news at this hour comes from the quarter guard section of the Central Detective Unit of the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

Bahamas Press can now confirm officers are holding a fellow police in connection with the death of 21 year-old George Carey. You would remember BP reported the death of the young man on Thursday. Carey had died Tuesday following multiple deep stab wounds about his body as he was ganged on Wulff Road outside the Lockhart’s Bar on Saturday past.

Up to Thursday no formal report on the stabbing had been made to the public nor had anyone in the Wutless Media confirm or reported on the fact that Carey has succumbed to his wounds.

BP can confirm an officer stationed at the Wulff Road police station is being questioned at this hour. We are told his name is officer Gibson. He was brought into the CDU shackled following his arrest. We are also told Superintendent Leon Bethel, who is known as “general” in-charge of CDU, was visibly angry as he read the riot act on the officer while he was escorted to a holding area.

In other incidents our police source also confirm sometime around 1:00 am on Saturday 1st May, Governors Harbour police received information of a stabbing at the Corner Bar in North Palmetto Point, Eleuthera.

A 36 year old male of North Palmetto Point, was at the Corner Bar when he got into an altercation with a group of males, which resulted in him being stabbed multiple times to the back.

The victim was taken to the local clinic where he was initially treated and subsequently airlifted to New Providence.  The victim is listed in serious condition in hospital.

Police tell us they are questioning an 18 year old of James Cistern and a 17 year old of Hatchet Bay in connection with this matter.


  1. Let me tell you something…. The Police FORCE is corrupted with criminals. CORRUPTED… a family who lost a loved one was slap in the face when the COURT ruled that a POLICE OFFICER KILLED A YOUNG MAN BY SELF DEFENSE…… WHAT THE HELL THIS COUNTRY COMING too.? Let alone Hulen Hanna who is a PASTOR at Church of God of Prophecy and a number one thief brushed this police officer actions behind the carpet.

  2. OMG a cop!!! They are suppose to protect not kill! Probably thought-who would ever suspect a ” man of the law” . I hope they hang u !!!

  3. The story is horrible if confirmed but no one is above the law.It is encouraging to members of the public that the Police can deal with any of their wayward members.We need to look at who trained these Officers as some crimes being committed by some pOLICEMEN shows deficiencies in their training methods.A word to Minister Turnquest stay out of Police matters and just provide the resources they require.

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