Police report to the public Thursday



Sometime around 9:04 am on Wednesday 5th May, 2010 police received information of an armed robbery at Herbert’s Way, South Beach.  Police responded and information received, a female while sitting in her white 2003 Honda Accord L/P 1915999 which was parked in her yard, was approached by a male allegedly armed with a handgun, demanding cash. The culprit robbed the female of her vehicle which contained her handbag, and other personal effects.  The culprit fled the area in an unknown direction.  Police are investigating.


Sometime around 9: 10 am on Wednesday 5th May, 2010 officers of the Southern Division executed a search warrant on a residence at Rose Bud Street, Chippingham.  Officers searched and recovered a high powered assault rifle (AK47) in the ceiling of the bathroom.  A 28 year old male, was taken into custody and is assisting police with their investigations.


Sometime around 11:30 am on Wednesday 5th May, 2010 police received information of an armed robbery at Ludlow Street off Mount Royal Ave.  Police responded and information received, a 42 year old male while outside his  residence, was approached by another male clad in a black tam, white t-shit and plaid shorts pants, allegedly armed with a handgun who robbed him of his jewelry. The culprit fled the area over a western wall in an unknown direction. Police are investigating.


On Tuesday 4TH May, 2010 at about 7:45 pm officers of the Southern Division executed a search warrant on a home at Plantol Street off East Street.  Officers searched and recovered from a toilet, a quantity of suspected marijuana. Three people were taken into custody, a 40 year old female and a 45 year old male both of Plantol Street and a 22 year old male of Sea Breeze.  Police are investigating.


Sometime around 12:31 pm on Wednesday 5th May, 2010 police received information of a stabbing at Wilson Track. Police responded and information received, two males, ages 23 and 24 were in the Wilson Track area when they were approached by another male who attacked them, which resulted in the two received stab wounds to the body.  The males were taken to hospital via private vehicle in serious condition.  Police are investigating.

Update: One of the victims was treated and discharged, the other remain in hospital in stable condition.  Police are investigating.


Sometime around 2:30 pm on Wednesday 5th May, 2010 officers of the Select Enforcement Team acting on information executed a search warrant on a residence at Soldier Road near Baillou Hill Road. Officers searched and recovered a handgun with ammunition.  Three (3) males, two ages 29 the other age 42 were taken into custody.  Police are investigating.


Sometime around 9:45 am on Thursday 6th May, 2010 police received information of an apparent suicide at Petticoat Lane situated between Hospital Lane and West Street.  Police responded and discovered the lifeless body of a male clad in a khaki short pants and a grey shirt.  It is reported that the victim was seen hanging from a Guinep Tree.  EMS responded pronounced victim dead.   Police are investigating.