Police should stakeout the Corner Motel and witness the DRUG /PROSTITUTION CRIMES alleged to be COMMITTED AT THE MP’s establishment


<<< Charles ‘Pillsbury Doughboy’ Maynard.

Nassau, Bahamas — Sometime we wonder at what level of ‘mongrelization’ is in the Parliament especially after hearing Charles ‘Pillsbury Doughboy’ Maynard this week. Charlie was setup to read something given to him by Papa to hurl against Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador strongman Philip ‘Brave’ Davis.

The uncharitable commentary by the Parliament’s Pillsbury – who called himself a ‘Crash Dummy’ – would not be repeated on this site. But we are not surprised how quickly it took traction in the pages of the DUTTY TOILET tabloid [Tribune] and online the following morning. It appears the mongrels in that establishment are also finding it necessary to echo the words of the ‘Crash Dummy’ as they have become of late the protectors of DOGS; and we don’t mean the four legged animal.

The Parliament’s Pillsbury, the Tribune and the citizenry in this country must have forgotten how he is one of the owners of the Corner Motel on Carmichael and Faith Ave. North. Here’s a place where more alleged DRUG SELLING, PROSTITUTION, DOPE DEALING and RAPE have occurred than the courts of the Bahamas can process.

The brothel has a new activity these days and its BACKYARD GAMBLING! But the people in the DUTTY TOILET PAPER have so abdicated their duty to society these days, they are all over the place protecting murders, extortionists, brothel operators, prostitution ring leaders, along with drug and gun runners all over the Bahamas. They appear to not know what is decency and truth anymore.

We put Roy Boyke and the rest of the FNM spin doctors on notice, we have gone deep into our “bag of tricks”, we have much information. To Papa, we say, what happened to the investigation of Tommy Turnquest and the air-condition contract? What happened to the Bahamasair investigation and the missing  $135,000? We are still waiting.

Charles Maynard should hang his head down in shame for letting that JUNGELIST breakup the government car and for falling down drunk on the tarmac during a regatta in the south.

He has been most neglectful and ‘HORRIFIABLY’ dumbfounded in getting the children swimming pool back in working order. He has failed to restore some real national programmes to assist the children of this country who seem to fall at every turn in society.

People who let their JUNGALIST sweethearts stalk their marital home are no examples for youths and should be thrown out of the backdoor of the Cabinet like Carl ‘Undernourished’ Bethel.

The last thing Charlie should be accusing people of is protecting drug dealers, because if police go to the Corner Motel any hour of the day, they may be able to confiscate a cash cage of illegal activity on the property. TALK DAT!